System of government: Socialist Republic (called Democratic Kampuchea) Capital: Phnom Penh Location: In south-eastern Asia on the Gulf of Thailand, bordered by Vietnam, Laos and Thailand Area: 181,035 sq km National composition: Mostly Khmer; Chinese, Vietnamese, Lao minorities Religion:Buddhism Official language: Khmer Currency: Riel = 100 sen Administrative divisions: 24 provinces Other major cities: Battambang Chief river: Mekong Largest lake: Tonle Sap Climate: Tropical monsoon type
Kampuchea, formerly called Cambodia, consists largely of an alluvial plain covered by forest or savanna. The forests yield much valuable timber and natural rubber. About 15 percent of Kampuchea is farmland and agriculture employs four-fifths of the work-force. The main crops are maize, manioc, peppers, rice, soya beans, sweet potatoes and tobacco. Farmers rear cattle and buffaloes, which are used as beasts of burden. The staple food is rice, supplemented by fish. Mineral resources are few and industry is concerned chiefly with the processing of farm produce and fish.
Laying wickerwork eel traps
A groundnut plant
A Buddhist temple in the capital Phnom Penh
A general views of dragon boats in the Tonle Sap river during the Water Festival in Phnom Penh on November 14, 2016. Cambodia is celebrating its annual water festival from November 13 until 15, attracting thousands from other provinces of the country.
Cambodian participants row their dragon boats during the Water Festival in Phnom Penh on November 14, 2016.
Participants power their boat on the Tonle Sap river during the annual Water Festival on the Tonle Sap river in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on November 14, 2016.
Participants power their boat on the Tonle Sap river during the annual Water Festival on the Tonle Sap river in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on November 14, 2016.
Participants rest after they powered their boat on the Tonle Sap river during the annual Water Festival on the Tonle Sap river in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 14, 2016.