Social Science Questions & Answers: You can find Social Science related questions and their answers here. Over 1200 questions are listed in this page. To find a question on this page – please use “Ctrl” Key + “F” key.
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Social Science Questions & Answers
- About Diwali Lakshmi Puja?
- Are gorillas man-eaters?
- Are snakes really modified lizards?
- Are there any real Castles in the world?
- Are there such things as fairies?
- As dead as the dodo
- At what time of day does Ayers Rock in Central Australia change color?
- Between whom was the battle of Haldighati fought?
- Can all venomous snakes kill you?
- Can an elephant drink through its trunk?
- Can farming produce enough of the world food?
- Can frogs fly?
- Can sands boom?
- Can trains run without rails?
- Cigarette Packs that Talk. How it can be possible?
- Crocodile Tears Are Real
- December Solstice – Why is it known as Longest Night & Shortest Day of the Year?
- Did dragons ever exist?
- Did king Arthur ever exist?
- Do all camels have humps?
- Do all reality shows pander to the baser aspects?
- Do all spiders spin webs?
- Do all volcanoes look alike?
- Do all zebras have the same coat pattern?
- Do any snakes live in the sea?
- Do Sikhs Believe in a Bible?
- Do Sikhs Believe in Being Baptized?
- Do Sikhs Believe in Going to Church?
- Do Sikhs Believe in Prayer?
- Do Sikhs Believe in Prophets and Saints?
- Do Sikhs Believe in the Devil or Demons?
- Do Sikhs Believe in Worshipping Idols?
- Do sloths sleep all the time?
- Do you believe that non-Muslims go to heaven?
- Did you know Prime Minister of India ‘hoists’ the national flag on Independence Day while the President of India ‘unfurls’ on Republic Day
- Does a Boa Constrictor crush its prey?
- Does the abominable snowman exist?
- Festival of Holi marks the end of winter and the beginning of which season?
- Gardens in the air
- How ‘real’ is reality TV?
- How are coral reefs formed?
- How are deemed universities different from others?
- How are snakes charmed?
- How are whirlpools formed?
- How Basant Panchami is Celebrated?
- How big is an eagle?
- How can a snake swallow something bigger than itself?
- How can you tell if a snake is venomous?
- How dangerous is the Adder?
- How dangerous is the stingray?
- How deep can whales dive?
- How did Hanuman meet Rama?
- How did Hanuman served Lord Rama?
- How did Lord Ganesha obtain his elephant head?
- How did Red Indians get their name?
- How did the cuddly teddy bear get its name?
- How did the handshake originate?
- How did the monument Valley in Arizona and Utah get its name?
- How did the Oscar get its name?
- How did the polar bear evolved?
- How did the Sturt Desert get its name?
- How did the symbols +, – etc originate?
- How did the words ‘ok’ and ‘viz’ originate?
- How do Animals Communicate?
- How do ants protect plants?
- How do insects breathe?
- How do locust swarms start?
- How do people celebrate Diwali in India?
- How do plants become coal?
- How do spiders spin their webs?
- How do we celebrate Janmashtami in Mathura?
- How does a fountain-pen work?
- How does a red squirrel eat?
- How does a termite colony start?
- How does the ringhals protect itself?
- How does venom attack the body?
- How far can a jerboa jump?
- How fast can a dog run?
- How fast can a dragonfly fly?
- How fast can birds fly?
- How International Women’s Day is Celebrated?
- How is a mocktail different from a cocktail?
- How is a stallion different from a gelding?
- How is an Amur tiger different from a Bengal tiger?
- How is Baisakhi Celebrated?
- How is Easter Celebrated in Australia?
- How is Easter Celebrated in Brazil?
- How is Easter Celebrated in Bulgaria?
- How is Easter Celebrated in Canada?
- How is Easter Celebrated in Czech Republic?
- How is Guru Ravidass related to Sikhism?
- How is Hanuman related to Pandavas?
- How is Holi Celebrated in Barsana?
- How is Holi Celebrated?
- How is Ma Paravati as Divine Homemaker?
- How is Muharram observed?
- How is Navratri celebrated?
- How is Navratri Pooja Thali Decorated?
- How is New Year’s Day celebrated around the world?
- How is Ram Navami Celebrated?
- How is the date of Buddha’s birthday celebration determined?
- How is World No Tobacco Day celebrated?
- How Long Chinese New Year Celebrations Last?
- How long does the Pongal festival celebrations last?
- How long have humans engaged in Cosmology?
- How long is the woodpecker’s tongue?
- How many brother did Lord Rama have?
- How many feathers does a bird have?
- How many legs has a centipede?
- How many people are Sikhs in India?
- How many people live in the world?
- How many species of cat live in groups?
- How many types of wines are produced all over the world?
- How many venomous fish are there?
- How many venomous snakes are there?
- How Mother’s Day is Celebrated?
- How much does a tiger eat?
- How much time does cats spend sleeping?
- How old is Tintin?
- How strong are eggs?
- How to celebrate diwali in Maharashtra?
- How to celebrate diwali in Singapore?
- How to celebrate International Yoga Day?
- How to celebrate Nag Panchami?
- How to celebrate National Doctors Day?
- How to celebrate Vijayadhasami?
- How to make green beer for Saint Patrick’s Day?
- How to perform a havan?
- How to Play the Dreidel Game?
- How to reach Surajkund Mela?
- How to work out the date of Easter Day?
- How to Write a Love Letter?
- How was the term pink slip coined?
- How Wool Came Into Existence
- If a snake uses all its venom, how long does it take to replenish the supply?
- If red roses speak of love, what do yellow roses indicate?
- In 1898, who was the head of the American Federation of Labour?
- In Buddhism, can women attain enlightenment?
- In Star Wars, how is a Sith different from a Jedi?
- In the past, people used to make Holi colors from which flower?
- In the stock market, what is the concept of grey marketing?
- In which part of India, Rath Yatra of Mahesh is carried out?
- In which religion do the men wear a shawl called a Tallith and a skullcap called a Yarmulke?
- International Women’s Day: What’s it all about?
- Is Allah the same God of the Christians and Jews?
- Is Crocodile Tears Real?
- Is it true that Bhagwanji, also known as Gumnami Baba was actually Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose?
- Is it Unlucky to open umbrella indoors. Why?
- Is Lord Ganesha Married or Celibate?
- Is the controversy about Netaji Subhash Chandar Bose death important to his daughter Anita Bose-Pfaff?
- Is there an animal which has three eyes?
- Isn’t Islam the religion whose book instructs the followers to kill others?
- Maha Kumbh and Akhada: क्या होता है अखाड़ा और कौन से हैं भारत के प्रमुख अखाड़े
- Maha Kumbh 2025: हर 12 साल में ही क्यों होता है महाकुंभ का आयोजन
- More than one-fifth of the world’s population lives in just one country. Which one?
- Muharram: What is the tragedy at Karbala?
- Name the canal that links the Mediterranean and Red seas?
- Name the legends associated with Baisakhi?
- Names of Santa’s reindeer?
- Northwestern Arizona is famous for what?
- On what basis are pincodes distributed?
- On which date do we celebrate Nag Panchami?
- Remember the movie Gladiator, In which colossal theater did gladiators fight wild animals?
- Scandinavia, in northern Europe, is made up of which countries?
- Shamrock, Thistle, leek, rose these symbols represents which four countries?
- Should I admire spiders and snakes. Why? Why not?
- Some of the people of the modern state of Israel live on kibbutzim. What is unusual about the kibbutz way of life?
- Sometimes a clown in a circus is called
- Story behind the birth of Lord Hanuman?
- Subhas Chandra Bose – Plot of Death
- Tell about Diwali?
- The Bible is sacred to both Jews and Christians. Which religion believes in Koran?
- The busiest airport in the world
- The longest vehicle in the world
- The Silk Route runs through Central Asia. What was it first used for?
- Utsav Sharma – A Hero or Villain?
- Was Justice Mukherjee Commission set up by the BJP government?
- Was Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose – Ideology of Fusion?
- Was Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Fascist?
- Were dinosaurs venomous?
- What animal usually delivers Easter Goodies?
- What are ‘first serve’ and ‘second serve’ in tennis?
- What are amphibians?
- What are aphids?
- What are Appearances of Goddess Parvati?
- What are Arihants?
- What are auroras?
- What are Baisakhi Customs and Rituals?
- What are Bankura Horses?
- What are birds of prey?
- What are BTL advertisements?
- What are consumer and capital goods?
- What are copepods?
- What are crop circles?
- What are cultural & regional variations of harvesting festival – Pongal?
- What are Customs of Shivaratri?
- What are Easter Celebrations?
- What are Easter Colors?
- What are Easter Facts?
- What are Easter Island Facts?
- What are fish scales?
- What are flatfish?
- What are floaters?
- What are fossil fuels?
- What are gigantes?
- What are ground antbirds?
- What are Gtor-ma Cakes?
- What are Holi Safety Tips?
- What are Holika Dahan Celebrations?
- What are horse latitudes and how did they get the name?
- What are Jack-o-lanterns?
- What are Legends of Navratri?
- What are Mango Showers?
- What are Merits of Shivaratri Puja?
- What are mermaids?
- What are Natural Colors of Holi?
- What are Navratri Customs?
- What are nomads?
- What are organ pipes?
- Who are Pasmanda Muslims?
- What are Perseides?
- What are praying mantis?
- What are quiet eruptions?
- What are Ram Navami Quotes?
- What are Ritual Bath of Shivalinga?
- What are Shivaratri Traditions?
- What are sin stocks?
- What are solenodons?
- What are some New Year’s traditions?
- What are some religious aspects of Diwali?
- What are sponges?
- What are Stoas?
- What are termites?
- What are themes for World No Tobacco Day?
- What are the basics of the path, or Dharma, that Mahavira advocated for Jains?
- What are the Causes of Child Labour?
- What are the Cod Wars?
- What are the customs & legends of Lohri?
- What are the different factions in Islam and how do their beliefs differ?
- What are the Different Names of Krishna ?
- What are the first and last sentence in the Bible?
- What are the Islamic mourning rites and rituals (Muharram)?
- What are the lines of Latitude and Longitude?
- What are the main kinds of islands?
- What are the Northern Lights?
- What are the Objectives of International Yoga Day?
- What are the origins of pajama?
- What are the people who live in the Arctic called?
- What are the Pooja rituals done daily during Navratri?
- What are the principal differences between Islam and the other two main monotheistic religions; Christianity and Judaism?
- What are the processes of Teej Pooja?
- What are the rituals of Janmashtami?
- What are the rituals of Nag Panchami Festival?
- What are the Silver Lotus awards in Indian cinema?
- What are the Solutions to Child Labour?
- What are themes for World Blood Donor Day?
- What are the uses of air photographs?
- What are the various types of programmes?
- What are Truffles?
- What are ugg boots?
- What are velafrons?
- What causes ‘winterline’ and why is it visible only in a few places in the world?
- What colour is an insect’s blood?
- What country has the most species of venomous snakes?
- What day is Easter celebrated?
- What did a mammoth eat?
- What do charts tell us?
- What do I do if I see a venomous snake?
- What do muslims do in month of Muharram?
- What do riders represent in the fiesta of San Joan?
- What Do Sikhs Believe About God and Creation?
- What Do Sikhs Believe About the Afterlife?
- What do the tabla, tambura, and sitar have in common?
- What does ‘Jack of all trades’ mean?
- What does a camel store in its humps?
- What does Acropolis mean?
- What does bee-line mean?
- What does guyliner refer to?
- What does Islam say about suicide bombing, hijackers, and terrorism in general?
- What does January mean?
- What does Langar mean in Sikhism?
- What does Nerdic refer to?
- What does precycling mean?
- What does SOS mean?
- What does the arrow mark on defence vehicle number plates mean?
- What does the conductor in orchestra use a small stick, called a baton for?
- What does the phrase ‘chicken out’ mean?
- What does Thor refer to?
- What exactly is reality TV?
- What form of government is practised in Thailand?
- What is ‘A Very Silent Night’?
- What is 2012 Indian anti-corruption movement?
- What is 2G Scam?
- What is a ‘Clouded Yellow’?
- What is a black blizzard?
- What is a Black Corner Notice?
- What is a blizzaster?
- What is a Bolero?
- What is a busman’s holiday?
- What is a Camel’s hump for?
- What is a carrotmob?
- What is a caterpillar’s first meal?
- What is a cloud burst?
- What is a cobblestone race?
- What is a cushion account?
- What is a cuttlefish?
- What is a Cyrus Cylinder?
- What is a dry port?
- What is a fish pedicure?
- What is a flophouse?
- What is a flying fox?
- What is a Fossil?
- What is a gazebo?
- What is a ghost word?
- What is a go-go fund?
- What is a golden parachute?
- What is a green collar job?
- What is a greenshank?
- What Is a Hanukkiyah?
- What is a hate date?
- What is a lame duck session of Parliament?
- What is a koan?
- What is a lightship?
- What is a liquidity trap?
- What is a loofah?
- What is a Manx cat?
- What is a marsupial?
- What is a Minskian Ponzi deal?
- What is a moon tree?
- What is a moot court?
- What is a mudskippers?
- What is a Pagoda?
- What is a pink elephant?
- What is a Pipestone Pipe?
- What is a Ponzi scheme?
- What is a Palm Sunday?
- What is a prebituary?
- What is a prefecture in the context of Japan?
- What is a progressive score in chess?
- What is a salamander?
- What is a shibboleth?
- What is a shifting agriculture?
- What is a sick-out?
- What is a sinking fund?
- What is a slumpometer?
- What is a Sovereign Wealth Fund?
- What is a spoonerism?
- What is a stalemate in chess?
- What is a staycation?
- What is a stupa, and with which religion is it associated?
- What is a surgical strike?
- What is a Tea Party protest?
- What is a Totem?
- What is a toxic wife?
- What is a tsunami?
- What is a wistar rat?
- What is About Goddess Parvati?
- What is ambergris?
- What is an aggressocracy?
- What is an aviary?
- What is an Easter Egg?
- What is an erratic?
- What is an integrated city?
- What is an ISBN number?
- What is an omnibus bill?
- What is anthropophagy?
- What is anti-dumping duty?
- What is area 51?
- What is Arya Samaj?
- What is Aryan theory?
- What is Ash Wednesday?
- What is Ashura (Muharram)?
- What is Assumption Day?
- What is Bacha bazi?
- What is back-door financing?
- What is Bagdad beach?
- What is Baisakhi and how it is celebrated?
- What is Baisakhi Dance?
- What is Baisakhi Day?
- What is Baisakhi Mela?
- What is Baisakhi?
- What is Barah Wafat?
- What is barcode art?
- What is bear bile farming?
- What is benthic zone?
- What is Bhogi Pongal?
- What is Biological Significance of Holi?
- What is bruxism?
- What is Buddhism?
- What is Car Festival of Lord Jagannath?
- What is chamois?
- What is Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the US?
- What is Child Labour?
- What is chinese new year and why is it celebrated?
- What is Chinese New Year?
- What is Chi-x?
- What is cliff diving?
- What is collateral debt obligation?
- What is confessionalism?
- What is contribution of Subhash Chandra Bose in national struggle?
- What is coral?
- What is coral bleaching?
- What is crab football?
- What is creative capitalism?
- What is crop milk?
- What is Cultural Significance of Holi?
- What is dangerous about the scorpionfishes?
- What is dating down?
- What is Dervish music?
- What is dies irae?
- What is Diwali and how is it celebrated?
- What is done during Rama Navami celebrations in Rishikesh?
- What is Dreidel?
- What is dumdum bullet?
- What is Dusshera?
- What is Easter Island?
- What is Easter?
- What is ethical fashion?
- What is falconry?
- What is Fat Tuesday?
- What is Fleet Street in London known for?
- What is fun-employment?
- What is Garba?
- What is Germany’s official name?
- What is Ghazwa-e-Hind? Islam’s Prophetic War against India
- What is Greenmail?
- What is Groundhog Day?
- What is Hadaga Festival?
- What is Haldighati?
- What Is Hanukkah?
- What is hay fever and why is it so called?
- What is heirloom gardening?
- What is helicopter parenting?
- What is hillwalking?
- What is History of Baisakhi?
- What is history of Valentine Cards?
- What is Holi Origin?
- What is Holi Pooja Process?
- What is Holi Significance?
- What is Iceland’s HDI ranking?
- What is International Children’s Day?
- What is International Labour Organization (ILO)?
- What is International White Cane Day?
- What is Jainism?
- What is jetsam?
- What is Jeu de Paume?
- What is jipijapa hat?
- What is kangaroo closure?
- What is Kanya Pongal?
- What is Karma, and why is it so important to Buddhists?
- What is Labour Day?
- What is laissez faire?
- What is La-La-Land?
- What is lapis lazuli?
- What is Legend of Holika and Prahlad?
- What is Legend of Lubdhaka?
- What is Legend of Shiva and Shakti Marriage?
- What is Lent?
- What is Llanfair PG?
- What is Loch Ness Monster?
- What is Lord Shiva Assurance?
- What is love bombing?
- What is Maha Shivaratri?
- What is Mahashivaratri Festival?
- What is Maniole?
- What is Mattu Pongal?
- What is Maulid?
- What is Maundy Thursday?
- What is meant by ‘ceteris paribus’?
- What is meant by spring chicken, and why?
- What is mooching?
- What is moribund capitalism?
- What is Muharram?
- What is Mythological Significance of Holi?
- What is Navaratri?
- What is Navratri Fast?
- What is Navratri Kolu or Navarathri Golu?
- What is Octopus ink?
- What is Operation Smile?
- What is Paleo movement or Paleolibertarianism?
- What is panda porn?
- What is Pansori?
- What is Paryushan Mahaparva in Jainism?
- What is Philanthropy?
- What is philematology?
- What is pixie dust?
- What is Pongal?
- What is pop art?
- What is pork barrel politics?
- What is Project Blue Beam?
- What is Project Blue Book?
- What is Ram Navami History?
- What is Rastafarianism?
- What is RBI Baseball?
- What is reindeer moss?
- What is Religious Significance of Teej?
- What is rice wine?
- What is round tripping?
- What is sabre-rattling?
- What is Shiva Tandava?
- What is Shivaratri Fast?
- What is Shivaratri Pooja?
- What is show-jumping?
- What is Significance of Baisakhi?
- What is significance of Basant Panchami?
- What is Significance of Holi?
- What is Significance Of Ram Navami?
- What is Significance of Shivaratri in Hinduism?
- What is significance of Vasant Navratri?
- What is similia similibus curantur?
- What is singlism?
- What is Sistine Chapel famous for?
- What is skinflation?
- What is so special about Lake Titicaca
- What is Social Significance of Holi?
- What is special about the Garden City of Falkenberg?
- What is special about the Puli?
- What is Stonehenge?
- What is Story of Lubdhaka?
- What is Sukkot?
- What is Sunnah of Eid?
- What is sweethearting?
- What is Surya Pongal?
- What is Taipei 101?
- What is terroir?
- What is the ‘art of moving’?
- What is the ‘Thor’s Hammer’?
- What is the Age of Antonines?
- What is the Antarctica Treaty?
- What is the Armenian genocide?
- What is the aurora borealis?
- What is the Aurora phenomenon?
- What is the Australian teddy bear?
- What is the Bay of Pigs invasion?
- What is the Big Read?
- What is the Bolshoi Theatre famous for?
- What is the Bonfire Ritual in Lohri Festival?
- What is the Bossa Nova?
- What is the Bourbon Trail?
- What is the Buddha’s teaching about caste and colour?
- What is the choking game?
- What is the Cinderella effect?
- What is the concept behind Doomsday?
- What is the Cuban Wushu?
- What is the devil quartet?
- What is the difference between a centipede and a millipede?
- What is the difference between a coat and a blazer?
- What is the difference between a seal and a sea lion?
- What is the difference between antlers and horns?
- What is the difference between Dandiya Raas and Garba Raas?
- What is the difference between frogs and toads?
- What is the difference between intensive and subsistence farming?
- What is the difference between monkeys and apes?
- What is the difference between pigeons and doves?
- What is the difference between smooth and skeletal muscles?
- What is the difference between South Indian and North Indian ways of celebrating Navrathri?
- What is the difference between venom and poison?
- What is the domino damsel fish?
- What is the dry colour used in Holi Festival known as?
- What is the Fenian Movement?
- What is the Freimarkt?
- What is the gene revolution?
- What is the Geographical Indications (GI) Registry?
- What is the Golden Rule?
- What is the golliwog act?
- What is the Governor’s Ball during the Academy Awards ceremony?
- What is the Great Manmade River?
- What is the Grettis Saga?
- What is the Hadrian Wall?
- What is the historical and geographical background of Buddhism?
- What is the History and Origin of International Labour Day?
- What is the History behind Muharram?
- What is the history behind St. Patrick’s Day?
- What is the history of Children’s Day?
- What is the history of Chinese New Year?
- What is the History of Christmas Carols?
- What is the History of International Yoga Day?
- What is the history of National Doctors Day?
- What is the history of Pongal?
- What is the history of the Bermuda Triangle?
- What is the Holi Legend of Radha-Krishna?
- What is the importance of Basant Panchami?
- What is the Jagd and Hund fair?
- What is the Jasmine Revolution?
- What is the kanga?
- What is the Karakoram Highway?
- What is the Keynesian prescription?
- What is the Kimberley Process?
- What is the king crab?
- What is the Kit-Cat Club?
- What is the Lantern Festival?
- What is the largest living land mammal?
- What is the largest lizard in the world?
- What is the littoral zone?
- What is the Maginot Line?
- What is the meaning and origin of ‘go over like a lead balloon’?
- What is the meaning of Christmas?
- What is the meaning of kemo sabe?
- What is the meaning of the Buddhist flag?
- What is the meaning of the Hebrew Letters on a Dreidel?
- What is the meaning of True North?
- What is the most common surname in the world?
- What is the most venomous snake on the planet?
- What is the Mystery of Dracula?
- What is the mystery of Easter Island?
- What is the name of present Guru of the Sikhs?
- What is the name of the famous Modern English building which has its insides on the outside?
- What is the name of the Government where there is the rule of people?
- What is the Nathan Rothschild maxim?
- What is the Oera Linda book?
- What is the official Valentine’s Day love stamp?
- What is the Okapi?
- What is the Olympic Tower 2016?
- What is the Oracle of Delphi?
- What is the Origin and Significance of Karwa Chauth?
- What is the origin of lipsticks?
- What is the origin of Mumbai’s ‘tapori’ language? Where else is it spoken?
- What is the origin of OK?
- What is the origin of the name Belarus?
- What is the origin of the phrase – Ladies first?
- What is the origin of the phrase ‘there are no atheists in a foxhole’?
- What is the origin of the term French Kiss?
- What is the origin of the term horse trading?
- What is the origin of the word cocktail?
- What is the Peking Man?
- What is the Prague Spring?
- What is the Philosophy of Karma (Nine Tattvas) in Jainism?
- What is the Priory of Sion?
- What is the Russian avantegarde movement?
- What is the signficamce of fasting in the month of Muharram?
- What is the significance of Christmas Bells?
- What is the significance of Diwali?
- What is the significance of Holi Festival?
- What is the significance of Jerusalem Day?
- What is the Significance of Lohri?
- What is the significance of navaratri and how one keep vows on these nine days?
- What is the significance of Navratri?
- What is the Significance of Pongal festival?
- What is the significance of the three golden balls in Europe?
- What is the Singing Revolution?
- What is the six degrees of separation theory?
- What is the smallest country in the world?
- What is the Soul of Shaolin about?
- What is the story behind currency issued by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose?
- What is the story behind Nag Panchami?
- What is the subprime effect?
- What is the Superman seat-grab?
- What is the Tate?
- What is the triple study or education taught by the Buddha?
- What is the War of the Pacific?
- What is the western magpie’s nest composed of?
- What is the White Revolution?
- What is the Whitley Council?
- What is the World Fellowship of Buddhists?
- What is the World Record for ‘Pogo Stick Jumping’?
- What is Tradition of Holi?
- What is unique about the Hangzhou Bay Bridge?
- What is unique about the production ‘Dralion’?
- What is Universal Children’s Day?
- What is unusual about Holland?
- What is unusual about lemmings?
- What is urban mining?
- What is Vedic?
- What is vertical farming?
- What is VIX?
- What is windfall tax?
- What is worship like during the Easter season?
- What is zorbing?
- What kind of farming is the most productive?
- What kind of snake killed Cleopatra?
- What language is spoken in Minsk?
- What makes a glow-worm glow?
- What makes jumping beans jump?
- What makes Skunk smell?
- What poetry books make good Valentine’s Day gifts?
- What Rituals are Performed During Baisakhi?
- What Rituals are Performed During Holi?
- What should one do if a snake bites him (or a friend)?
- What steps are taken by the WHO on World No Tobacco Day?
- What To Do on 4th of July in New York City?
- What to Expect During Holi?
- What was Alfred Nobel’s achievement?
- What was Austria’s currency before the euro was introduced?
- What was Mothering Sunday?
- What was the name of first Panj Piare?
- What was the Trojan Horse?
- What year did the First Continental Congress meet?
- What’s the difference between a folk tale and a fairy tale?
- What’s the Giri Raja chicken?
- What’s the mascot of the Beijing Olympic Games?
- What’s the origin of ‘touch wood’?
- What’s the origin of the word ‘karaoke’?
- What’s the Royal Ascot parade?
- What’s distinctive about Davos?
- What’s the origin of the term ‘top dog’?
- What’s the Blue Nile and the White Nile?
- What’s the Green Gold project?
- What’s unique about Gothenburg?
- What’s unique about the Art Cologne Fair?
- When and where did figure skating originate?
- When did Christmas Greeting Cards tradition started?
- When did Congress vote Labour Day a federal holiday?
- When did people first use addresses?
- When did the practice of the handshake begin?
- When did the pterodactyls live?
- When do animals become mutants?
- When do bees swarm?
- When do birds migrate?
- When do people worship the Monkey God?
- When do snakes shed their skins?
- When do stags fight?
- When do we celebrate World Friendship Day?
- When do we say ‘gild the lily’?
- When does a caterpillar become a butterfly?
- When does a chameleon change color?
- When does a cow start to give milk?
- When does a drone die?
- When does a hermit crab change it’s shell?
- When does a tadpole become a frog?
- When does a worm turn?
- When does pollution kill a river?
- When does the male stickleback turn red?
- When is Baisakhi celebrated?
- When is Chinese Lunar New Year?
- When is Chinese New Year?
- When is Easter?
- When is Fathers Day ?
- When Is Hanukkah this year?
- When is Holi Festival celebrated?
- When is Holi?
- When is Islamic New Year (Muharram)?
- When is Labour Day in Australia?
- When is Labour Day in Jamaica?
- When is Mothers day celebrated?
- When is pongal festival?
- When is Ram Navami or birthday of Lord Rama celebrated?
- When is Rama Navami?
- When is Shivaratri?
- When is Surajkund Craft Mela?
- When is Swami Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti?
- When is Teej?
- When is Thai Pongal Celebrated?
- When is Valentine’s Day?
- When Rath Yatra of Ahmedabad is carried out?
- When was billiards first played?
- When was chess first played as an international game?
- When was First St. Patrick’s Day Parade held?
- When was Guru Ravidass born?
- When was kindergarten started?
- When was tea first grown?
- When was the first Earth Day celebrated?
- When was the first Labour Day Parade held?
- When was the first New Year celebrated?
- When was the first wristwatch made?
- When were the American bison almost wiped out?
- When were the comic books invented?
- When were the first land animals appeared on the earth?
- When will sharks attack a human being?
- When will the Earth die?
- Where are crocodiles born?
- Where can one lose or gain a day?
- Where did all the dodos go?
- Where did origami come from?
- Where did surfing originate?
- Where did Teddy Bears come from?
- Where did the phrase throw in the towel originate?
- Where did the practice of sunbathing originate?
- Where do budgerigars live in the wild?
- Where do butterflies go when it rains?
- Where do elephants die?
- Where do flies go in winter?
- Where do Golden Eagles nest?
- Where do ostriches nest?
- Where do salmon go to breed?
- Where do spiders keep their webs?
- Where do sponges come from?
- Where do tigers live?
- Where do Whelks their eggs?
- Where do you find frogs that live in tree?
- Where do you find volcanoes?
- Where does a bee keep it’s sting?
- Where does a leech feed?
- Where does a swallow nest?
- Where does caviare come from?
- Where does china come from?
- Where does Santa Claus live?
- Where does the saying – I wish you Godspeed – come from?
- Where does the word ‘ambergris’ come from?
- Where in Spain you will find a fantastic, unfinished Holy Family?
- Where is Baisakhi Celebrated?
- Where is Mullaperiyar Dam?
- Where is Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose?
- Where is Shamo desert?
- Where is Shravanabelagola Jain Temple?
- where is the ‘lemon festival’ celebrated?
- Where is the ‘magnetic hill’?
- Where is the annual Ice Festival in China held?
- Where is the Bridge of Sighs and why is it called so?
- Where is the earth?
- Where is the longest snake in the world?
- Where is the lost kingdom of Atlantis?
- Where is the Pampa?
- Where is the Rare Blind Dolphin Found?
- Where is the Taj Mahal?
- Where is the tallest living tree? How tall is it?
- Where is the White City?
- Where is the world’s oldest underground railway?
- Where is the world’s wettest place?
- Where is the worlds sunniest place?
- Where is Tower of London?
- Where was ‘Pachisi’ first played?
- Where was Lord Buddha born?
- Where was the wheel invented?
- Where were hookahs first used?
- Where would you find a black widow?
- Where would you find a live prehistoric fish?
- Where would you find a Red Giant?
- Where would you find the world’s largest animal?
- Where would you find truffles?
- Where would you look for a trap-door spider?
- Where you can find Tuareg, Ashanti, and Masai people?
- Which animal can run at about 60 mph (100km/h)- as fast as a car?
- Which animal is a glutton?
- Which animal moves by jet propulsion?
- Which animal produces the biggest baby?
- Which animals wear bells?
- Which are the 10 Most Corrupt and Least Corrupt Countries in the World?
- Which bears wear ‘glasses’?
- Which bird has claws on its wings?
- Which brother of Ravana joined and helped Lord Rama?
- Which Christian festival is the Nice Carnival linked to?
- Which City was specially built to replace Rio de Janeiro as the capital of Brazil?
- Which country gets the most rain in the world?
- Which country has the highest male-female ratio?
- Which country has the most cattle?
- Which crab has a ‘mobile home’?
- Which day is the ‘Maghi’ Day?
- Which dog cannot bark?
- Which festivals of India are similar to ‘Thanksgiving Day’?
- Which fish breathes air?
- Which fish spits at insects?
- Which huge flightless bird lays world’s largest egg?
- Which insect has the largest wingspan?
- Which insects build enormous mounds?
- Which is Europe’s longest river, and where does it flow?
- Which is Lohri Festival Popular Punjabi Folk Song, and brief history on Dulla Bhatti?
- Which is the biggest eater in the animal kingdom?
- Which is the Chariot Festival of India?
- Which is the coldest continent?
- Which is the earliest reality show?
- Which is the elephant’s closest relative?
- Which is the fastest animal?
- Which is the first art gallery?
- Which is the Great Indian Thanksgiving – Hindu Harvest Festival?
- Which is the heaviest flying bird?
- Which is the largest freshwater fish in the world?
- Which is the largest member of the wild dog family?
- Which is the longest building in the world?
- Which is the most abundant group of animals?
- Which is the most intelligent bird?
- Which is the most widely used alphabet in the world?
- Which is the oldest civilization?
- Which is the oldest dance form?
- Which is the oldest lighthouse in the world?
- Which is the only bird that can eat cuckoo-pint berries?
- Which is the only cat that cannot retract its claws?
- Which is the thickest snake in the world?
- Which is the world’s rarest bird?
- Which is the world’s first oceanarium?
- Which is the world’s sleepiest animal?
- Which Italian city was built on a small group of Islands in a Lagoon?
- Which Mammal lays Eggs?
- Which mammals really fly?
- Which mutual fund scheme is the oldest in world?
- Which nation has 20 times more sheep than people?
- Which nocturnal animal lives in sett (underground tunnel)? How is it built?
- Which religion worship God Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva?
- Which single country produces about one fifth of the world’s wine?
- Which species of fish lives at the highest altitude?
- Which spectacular Indian temple was built for the love of a woman?
- Which state first granted Labour Day legal status as holiday?
- Which vast region in the Russian Federation stretches from the Ural Mountains to Alaska?
- Which was the first major language of Europe?
- Which was the first reality programme?
- Which was the first war fought in the history of mankind?
- Which was theme state for Surajkund Craft Mela?
- Which word has the most number of synonyms?
- Who are Acharya?
- Who are carborexics?
- Who are carpet-baggers?
- Who are Echo Boomers?
- Who are hippy-crites?
- Who are kitchen police?
- Who are pajamahadeen?
- Who are Rajputs?
- Who are Siddhas?
- Who are stags in the stock market?
- Who are stilt fishermen?
- Who are the Bedouins?
- Who are the Berbers?
- Who are the Cossacks?
- Who are the Pearly Kings and Queens?
- Who are Recipients of the Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana Award?
- Who are the vanishing peoples of the world?
- Who are the youngest and oldest captains to win the soccer world cup?
- Who began the labour movement?
- Who came in the guise of a Golden Deer to the Ashrama of Rama?
- Who created Sherlock Holmes?
- Who discovered America?
- Who Founded Sikhism and When?
- Who founded the Earth Day?
- Who has written the maximum number of books?
- Who invented Monopoly?
- Who invented Photography and when?
- Who invented shorthand?
- Who invented the board game Snakes and Ladders?
- Who invented the speech bubble and when was it first used?
- Who is a deleb?
- Who is a digital nomad?
- Who is a flexitarian?
- Who is a frenemy?
- Who is a ghetto parent?
- Who is a hypermiler?
- Who is a musher?
- Who is a scrum-half ?
- Who is a sexer?
- Who is a stealth shopper?
- Who is a troglodyte?
- Who is a whistleblower?
- Who is Adolf Loos?
- Who is afraid of snakes?
- Who is an environmental refugee?
- Who is an exceptor?
- Who is Anastasia?
- Who is Anna Hazare?
- Who is Bharmacharini?
- Who is Binayak Sen?
- Who is Chandraghanta?
- Who is Dominique Strauss Kahn?
- Who is Hugronaphor?
- Who is Julian Assange?
- Who is Justice Manoj Kumar Mukherjee?
- Who is Kaal Ratri?
- Who is Katyayani?
- Who is Kiran Bedi?
- Who is known as the ‘Pumpkin King of Britain’?
- Who is Kushmanda?
- Who is Maha Gauri?
- Who is Omar Suleiman?
- Who is Raymond Allen Davis?
- Who is Sanjiv Chaturvedi?
- Who is Shailaputri?
- Who is Siddhidatri?
- Who is Skanda Mata?
- Who is son of Lord Rama and Sita?
- Who Is St. Patrick and Why Do We Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?
- Who is Teej Mata?
- Who is the Easter Bunny?
- Who is the world’s youngest king?
- Who is the youngest Olympic gold medallist?
- Who made the first ice cream in the world?
- Who owns Antarctica and its resources?
- Who swallowed the Sun?
- Who was Achilles?
- Who was Amit Jethwa?
- Who was called the Iron Chancellor?
- Who was Dick Whittington?
- Who was Dulla Bhatti and his relation with Lohri Festival?
- Who was Geronimo?
- Who was Hermann Kallenbach?
- Who was Indira?
- Who was King Frederic II?
- Who was Lady Godiva?
- Who was Lord Mahavir?
- Who was Marco Polo?
- Who was Mona Lisa?
- Who was Mother Teresa?
- Who was Mrs Pankhurst?
- Who was Nehru?
- Who was Robin Hood?
- Who was Subhas Chandra Bose and his role in India’s Struggle for Independence?
- Who was the ‘the Enlightened One’?
- Who was the 23rd Tirthankara in Jainism?
- Who was the author of Ramayana?
- Who was the Elephant Man?
- Who was the father of Lord Rama?
- Who was the first Indian to be knighted?
- Who was the founder of modern China?
- Who was the guru of Lord Rama?
- Who was the real Robinson Crusoe?
- Who was the spiritual guru of Meera Bai?
- Who was the strongest promoter of Father’s Day?
- Who was the Zodiac killer?
- Who were the druids?
- Who were the first Americans?
- Who were the first Gipsies?
- Who were the four Sahibzadas, name them?
- Who were the hobbits?
- Who were the Iron Chancellors?
- Who were the Vikings?
- Who were Wee Folk?
- Who won the first Palme dOr at Cannes?
- Who wrote 66 best-selling mystery novels in 56 years?
- Who wrote the song “Happy Birthday to you”?
- Why 21 June was chosen as International Yoga Day?
- Why “reality show” is so popular?
- Why and when Britishers attempted to kill Bose?
- Why are ‘birds’ eggs so shaped?
- Why are ‘daily soaps’ called so?
- Why are cats said to be in season?
- Why are crabs, lobsters and shrimps called crustaceans?
- Why are feet so ticklish?
- Why are frogs, toads and newts called amphibia?
- Why are hats a rage at the races?
- Why are hurricanes given female names?
- Why are many Japanese trees small?
- Why are mosquitoes attracted to the colour black?
- Why are some moths attracted by light?
- Why are Some Reptiles Brightly Coloured?
- Why are South Africans called the Proteas?
- Why are the Emmy Awards so called?
- Why are the people of Japan also known as Nipponese?
- Why are there 12 zodiac signs and not more or less?
- Why are Vampire bats dangerous?
- Why are zebras striped?
- Why can owls see well at night?
- Why candles are associated with Christmas?
- Why Dewali is celebrated?
- Why did Columbus sail westwards?
- Why did Gandhi fast?
- Why did India need to bury Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose before his death?
- Why do African elephants have bigger ears than Indian elephants?
- Why do animals become extinct?
- Why do bats make a high-pitched sound as they fly?
- Why do Beavers Build Dams?
- Why do birds eat grit?
- Why do birds migrate?
- Why do birds preen themselves?
- Why do bride sit to the left of their grooms?
- Why do butterflies and moths have ‘powder’ on their wings?
- Why do Cats Always Land on Their Feet?
- Why do cats purr?
- Why do dogs bury bones?
- Why do dogs have a better sense of smell than we do?
- Why do flamingos have bent beaks?
- Why Do Horses Need Shoes?
- Why do Locusts Swarm?
- Why do lots of tourists flock to the town of Oberammergau every ten years?
- Why do many birds have honeycombed bones?
- Why do penguins only have small flipper-like wings?
- Why Do Rabbits have Buck Teeth?
- Why do rabbits have large ears?
- Why do rattlesnakes have rattles?
- Why do some animal hibernate?
- Why do some plants capture insects?
- Why do the English and Americans celebrate St. Patrick’s day?
- Why do the eyes of some animals glow in the dark?
- Why Do Turtles and Tortoises Live So Long?
- Why do we celebrate Children’s Day in India?
- Why do we celebrate Diwali?
- Why do we celebrate Eid-Ul-Fitr?
- Why do we celebrate Janmashtami ?
- Why do we celebrate Mahashivratri?
- Why do we celebrate National Doctors Day?
- Why do we celebrate St. Valentine’s Day?
- Why do we celebrate World Environment Day?
- Why do we eat turkey for Thanksgiving?
- Why do we have a dawn chorus?
- Why do we have eggs at Easter?
- Why do wells dry up?
- Why does a dowser, or diviner, use a Y-shaped hazel or willow twig?
- Why does a lizard shed it’s tail?
- Why does a snake dance?
- Why does the camel have a hump?
- Why does the date of Easter move?
- Why does the Hermit Crab live in a shell?
- Why does the learning tower of Pisa lean?
- Why does the Orthodox Church celebrate Christmas on January 7?
- Why does the spider family bear the name Archnida?
- Why does the tautara hunt?
- Why don’t the teeth of animals decay though they never brush their teeth?
- Why France celebrate Labour Day or May Day?
- Why Guru Gobind Singh ji said in Zaffarnama that he is an idol breaker, but yet he protected hindus?
- Why Himalayas are known as the roof of the world?
- Why Hindus worship Goddess Saraswati on Basant Panchami?
- Why Holi is known as festival of colors?
- Why International Women’s Day is Celebrated?
- Why is a BMW car also known as a Beemer?
- Why is a honeymoon so called?
- Why is an Englishman called John Bull?
- Why is children’s day celebrated in india?
- Why is Christmas Day on the 25th December?
- Why is gujia made on Holi?
- Why is Guru Nanak so important to Sikhs?
- Why is Independence Day celebrated on 4th of July?
- Why is Lord Shiva Worshipped in His Phallic Form?
- Why is May Day Celebrated?
- Why is Nagpur called the zero mile centre?
- Why is Norway called Land of the Midnight Sun?
- Why is Scotland Yard so called?
- Why is the Amazon River so called?
- Why is the animal called a pig, and its meat called pork?
- Why is the arrow-poison frogs of rain forest so brightly colored?
- Why is the ball python so called?
- Why is the Black Sea called so?
- Why is the British flag called the ‘Union Jack’?
- Why is the bucket seat in automobiles called so?
- Why is the Cape of Good Hope so called?
- Why is the Forbidden City called so?
- Why is the Gurdwara so important to Sikhs?
- Why is the ichneumon fly known as the farmer’s friends?
- Why is the international dateline drawn in a zigzag manner?
- Why is the manchineel tree dangerous?
- Why is the Pronghorn so called?
- Why is the Spring Festival celebrated?
- Why is the Taj Trapezium Zone and why is it called so?
- Why is the Turtle Island called so?
- Why is windmills common sight in the Netherlands?
- Why is World No Tobacco Day Celebrated and its History?
- Why is Wuhan called the ‘thoroughfare of the nine provinces’?
- Why Lord Ganesha Has Only One Tusk?
- Why Lord Shiva is called ‘Neelkantha’?
- Why Lord Shiva Worship at Night?
- Why Mother’s Day is Celebrated?
- Why Navratri comes twice a year?
- Why Navratri has Nine Nights & Days?
- Why Taliban use white flag while ISIS uses black one?
- Why was King Alfred called the Great?
- Why was the New Amsterdam Colony established?
- Why we worship Mother Goddess on Navratri?
- Why were rabbits such a menace in Australia?
- Why would you avoid a Portuguese man-of-war, while swimming in the sea?
- With which arrow did Lord Rama killed Ravana?
- Worship at the diwali festival?
सामाजिक विज्ञान प्रश्न और उत्तर
- कौन था फ्रांसिस जेवियर? सोसायटी ऑफ़ जीसस या जेसुइट्स
- गणेश चतुर्थी उत्सव का आरंभ कब और कैसे हुआ?
- आखिर 26 जनवरी को ही क्यों मनाया जाता है गणतंत्र दिवस?