Can farming produce enough of the world food?

Can farming produce enough of the world food?Land covers just over 29 per cent of the earth’s surface. But about two thirds of the land is too cold or too dry for farming. Of the remaining land, only one-third can be used for crops and the rest is grazing land. Will this be enough to feed the world’s population as it soars towards 10,000 million? Experts think that food yields can be increased in two main ways. First, scientists are producing new and more productive varieties of food crops. Second, farming can become more efficient if farmers use more modern mahinery and follow better farming techniques. In many developing countries, wooden hoes are often more common that metal ploughs.

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साप्ताहिक भविष्यफल दिसंबर, 2024: पंडित असुरारी नन्द शांडिल्य

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