
Stranger – Khushbu Nanavati

No friend and no family and to support was no one,
I felt too bad living alone.

No one to talk,
No one with whom I would walk.

No one to care,
I wished for a few but had not even rare.

But when I was weeping alone,
Walking through life I found someone.

Who I thought was a stranger became a friend,
Who understood and cared and became my best friend.

On my face he puts a smile,
Though the distance is more than a mile.

He wiped my tears,
And removed my fears.

But the bad day came when he passed and died,
I was sad and I cried.

I thought I was again alone,
But I felt with me there was someone.

Though in heaven he was,
Always around me his soul was.

Who I thought had flied away like birds,
Had left for me his love in words.

In my heart and my mind his soul was there,
Though he wasn’t here his footprints were there.

Who I thought was a stranger became a friend,
Who understood and cared and became my best friend.

I cried sitting near the dead man’s grave,
I thought I wasn’t but he made me brave.

Though he died,
He yet cared.

Though he passed away,
He met me again as a stranger on my way.

He took nothing with him but just words kind,
He left nothing for me but just a stranger behind.

∼ Khushbu Nanavati

Khushbu NanavatiHello Friends,

I, Khushbu Nanavati, have submitted a lot of poems on this site and fortunately most of them have been published on this site. I have completed writing 100 poems by now and this is a very special occasion for me. I owe my success to because it was the first site that published my poems and gave me maximum exposure. I have received many appreciations and suggestions from the readers and I would like to thank them all today and I hope that this kind of response towards my talent continues and I am sure with the help of i will go on. Not only me but this site has given exposure to many aspiring poets and writers.

Thank you… …this is an ulimate site.

Khushbu Nanavati

A young creative writer from Mumbai, India.

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