What is a Sovereign Wealth Fund?

What is a Sovereign Wealth Fund?A Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) is an investment fund owned by a government. The funds invested through such funds are usually the proceeds of non-renewable natural resources or a higher return alternative to holding foreign currency. An SWF differs from government funds that invest in their own country as these are usually driven by the desire to direct the economy in some way, for example, by investing in industries whose growth will have some benefit for the broader economy. The primary aim of an SWF is generating high returns.

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साप्ताहिक भविष्यफल दिसंबर, 2024: पंडित असुरारी नन्द शांडिल्य

साप्ताहिक भविष्यफल 22 – 28 दिसंबर, 2024: पंडित असुरारी नन्द शांडिल्य – एस्ट्रोलॉजिकल बर्थ चार्ट के …