10 Ways to Help Kids Manage Anger

Fighting ChildrenKids – especially young ones – who don’t know how to control their emotions may strike out by hitting, biting or pushing another child, or even a parent or caregiver. It’s up to parents to teach them other ways to express their anger and frustration.

Try these tips that elementary school teachers find effective:

  • Tell your child that anger is a normal emotion, and that we just have to learn how to manage it.

  • Help children identify when they’re angry (some kids yell and scream, others get an upset stomach or headache).

  • Tell them you understand why they might be angry (perhaps you’ve banned TV until homework is finished).

  • Teach cool-down techniques (counting to 20, taking deep breaths or writing angry thoughts on a piece of paper that you later tear up).

  • Help children write a list of things they can do next time instead of hitting.

  • Encourage kids to talk about what made them so angry.

  • Make sure your child has a healthy diet and gets plenty of rest.

  • Limit exposure to violence on TV or in electronic games.

  • Help your child handle stress by listening to soothing music, exercising or playing with a pet.

  • Remind children to respect the rights and feelings of others.

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