Two Year Olds Are Ready For Pre-School

Baby BoyLearning is a lifelong process which begins from the moment of conception itself. Even within its mother’s womb, the child is constantly learning and developing. In the first 2 years, the child develops through close interaction with family members, in the close, secure and familiar environment of home.

  • By the time a child is two years old, her world starts widening and she starts becoming aware of people and events outside the close circle of her family. In fact 50% of a child’s adult intelligence develops in the first 4 years of her life. This is the time which should be spend in informal and non-academic learning where she has the freedom to grow without any pressure.

  • At this stage, a good pre-school can be very helpful in moulding the child’s social, behavioral, lingual, physical and intellectual development by ensuring that she interacts with a peer group of children at the same stage of development.

  • In a pre-school, your little one learns to adapt well socially by learning to listen and co-operating with other children. Her language skills develop by interacting with other children and teachers and through the use of songs, rhymes, stories and enactments. Her physical and fine-motor skills are refined and enhanced through structured play and state-of-the-art equipment.

  • A two year old needs to explore, to indulge and satisfy her growing curiosity and a pre-school can provide her with much wider  horizons than the familiar environments of home.

  • According to experts, the first 4 years are the best time for a child to learn about perception, reasoning, creative thinking, language, ethics, good behavior and social interaction.

A good pre-school must have a stimulating and child friendly environment, highly trained and expert teachers who can give your child skilled guidance and loving care, state-of-the-art equipment and an atmosphere that gives your child an immense opportunity for development. A good pre-school can give your 2 year old a sound foundation for a happy and successful life.

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