Oh! My God

Oh! My God

Pouncing Puma

Pumas are very agile. They bound from rock to rock, pounce on their prey and spring up into trees. They can cover 18 metres in a single leap. Most Pumas now live in the western part of America.


Prehistoric Turtles

Prehistoric turtles may have weighed as much as 5,000 pounds.


Producers and Owners of Cars

Sixteen per cent of the world’s population in the United States of America, Europe, Japan and Australia produces 88 per cent and owns 81 per cent of all cars.


Pufferfish – A prickly mouthful

Pufferfish can fill themselves up with water so that they are too big to swallow. The porcupine fish has spines which stick out when it blows itself up. Its warning color shows up more clearly then, too.


Puffin – fish as well as a bird

Long ago, it was believed that a Puffin was a fish as well as a bird. People thought it was born from rotting piece of wood floating in the sea, instead of hatching out from an egg as we know it does today.


Pure Gold

Twenty-Four Karat Gold is not pure gold since there is a small amount of copper in it. Absolutely pure gold is so soft that it can be molded with the hands.


Pure water on Earth

Ninety-six per cent of salt water is pure water. There is 3 per cent common salt in it. The remaining one per cent is made up of more than 80 elements, including sulphate, magnesium, bromide, calcium, potassium, strontium, boron, fluoride and gold. Some seas have more salt than others.


Pygmy Marmoset

The pygmy marmoset, whose body is only 10 centimetres long, lives in the forests along the Amazon river, in Soth America. It is the smallest monkey in the world. Unlike other monkeys, marmosets have claws for gripping on to the bark as they climb trees. They curl their long tail round branches to help them balance. They eat insects and nuts.


Queen Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth I regarded herself as a paragon of cleanliness. She declared that she bathed once every three months, whether she needed it or not


Radio Station

At the radio station, the announcer speaks into a microphone. The microphone changes the sound of his voice into an electrical signal. This signal is weak and can’t travel very far, so it’s sent to a transmitter. The transmitter mixes the signal with some strong radio signals called carrier waves. These waves are then sent out through a special antenna at the speed of light! They reach the antenna of your radio. Your antenna “catches” the signal, and the radio’s amplifier strengthens the signal and sends it to the speakers. The speakers vibrate, and your ears pick up the vibrations and your brain translates them into the voice of the radio announcer back at the station. When you consider all the places the announcer’s voice travels.

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