A Comfortable Seat for Campers

A Comfortable Seat for Campers
A Comfortable Seat for Campers

A Comfortable Seat for Campers

Nobody expects camp-life to be as comfortable as things are at home; but we have often felt, when camping, that a nice springy seat would be a pleasant change to the hard unyielding ground.

If you want to fit up a comfortable camp seat, take three stout poules. Scouts will, of course, use their poles-place them in a bundle on the ground and tie them tightly together, about three inches from one end.

When this is done, lift up one of the poles and revolve it through half a circle, carrying it down to the ground again, but away from the other two. Now raise the three poles, bound ends upwards, spread out the feet and you have a very rigid tripod.

Next, take a ground sheet-the smallest one you have-fold it into a triangle and tie each corner to one of the legs of the tripod, about a foot above the ground. This makes a comfortable seat.

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