An Easily Made Parachute

An Easily Made Parachute
An Easily Made Parachute

An Easily Made Parachute

Great fun can be had by flying a parachute on days when there is a moderate wind. You want to stand on a small hill with the breeze behind you. Be careful when letting the apparatus free that the threads are not entangled and that the paper dome is in proper shape.

To make a good flying parachute, get a sheet of tissue paper and trim it to the shape shown on the next page. The large cut-out section is needed to supply the domed shape of the body. Overlap B on A and the flat piece tissue immediately becomes conical. Next, bring together the two sides of all the cut-out V’s. While together, stick a small patch of paper on each, to keep them in place. At the same time, fit a length of cotton on each flap and the patch will hold it there.

Wait a few hours for the sticking to dry, then trim all the pieces of cotton to the same length, tie them in a knot and fit in the loop, a small nail, to act as balancer.

Do not let a sudden gust of wind tear the fabric, and keep away from the branches of trees.

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