Jack in the Box

Jack in the BoxJack in the Box – A toy, particularly one that has some action in it, is always most suitable for a present. It would be a good idea to make this jolly jack in the box yourself and give it to one of your friends for a birthday present. The box itself is made from a tin container that has a hinged lid. Biscuit tins are often made like this and there will probably be an old one round the house that is not in use.

You will now require a strong spring, the best are those upholstery springs that have so much bounce in them. Last of all, you will have to make a head to go on top of the spring, so that when it pops out of the box, it will be startling as well as funny.

When you have found your spring and have been lucky enough to come across a suitable tin box, attach the end of the spring to the bottom of the box by means of round staple. This is shown in the diagram.

The head will rest on the top, so we will make this next. An old tennis ball or a light ball of a smaller size will do very well. Sew this on to the piece of round white cardboard and fasten it to the top of the spring, with strong thread.

Put an imitation lace collar round the neck and get out your colour box to decorate the head. Paint in the features, showing a wide open mouth, red nose and rosy cheeks and big eyes. Fasten the jolly sailor’s cap on top, with the blue ribbon in place and the head is finished.

Push the spring down inside the box and close the lid and hook it in place. To make the toy work, undo the hook and out pops the jolly tar to everyone’s delight.

There is one other necessary point. Do paint the outside of the box with brilliant enamel paints, making your own design somewhat on the lines of the illustration.

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