Cancer Monthly Horoscope (June 22 – July 22)
December 2024 Cancer Monthly Horoscope: Cancer is the fourth astrological sign, which is associated with the constellation Cancer. It spans the 90-120th degree of the zodiac, between 90 and 125.25 degree of celestial longitude. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this area on average between June 21 and July 21, and under the sidereal zodiac, the Sun transits this area between approximately July 16 and August 15. A person under this sign is called a Moon child. The symbol of the crab is based on the Karkinos, a giant crab that harassed Hercules during his fight with the Hydra. The Cancer-Leo cusp lasts from July 19 to July 23.
Read December 2024 Cancer Monthly Horoscope
Cancer Monthly Horoscope: December 2024
For Cancer, Sun, Moon, and Rising, this month comes with a lot of responsibilities, so this is not the time to get laid back. The month will start with a powerful new moon in your sixth house accompanied by Mercury retrograde, so get ready to start new projects and rework the existing ones. Mercury will start its direct mode on the fifteenth, so from then onwards, your workplace will get the right pace, but until then, there can be technical glitches, misunderstandings, or delays at work. This month will also bring competitive events like interviews and debates too. The health will be a major theme, and you will try to take up new health care practices to improve your physical and mental health. Pets and small animals will also be a part of your life.
On December sixth, Mars will start its retrogression through your second house, which can be a challenge for your financial matters. Your health and daily routine will also be important during this month. The financial matters are not in a safe mode, so make sure you save some money and don’t spend it so much. This transit can make you highly aggressive in speech, so it can bring you difficulties at work as well as in the family. This is the time to restructure your finances, career, and personal life.
Neptune, the god of the ocean, will turn direct in Pisces this month, and this is good news for you because it will give you solutions to deal with the issues by making you spiritual. The Sun will move to Capricorn and Venus to Aquarius, which will trigger your relationships and fiancés. New people can come to you with new projects, and it can even be a relationship. The Venus transit through the eighth house will be a relief as it can bring some financial gains as well.
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