Star Sign Compatibility Chart

Gemini Aries Compatibility

Gemini Aries Compatibility — Aries and Gemini individuals have much in common and will find only a few problems in case of compatibility. Both of them love to enjoy life and are always on the verge of doing something new. They have very low tolerance for boredom and easily discard anything dull or sticky. They never cling on to things, especially after they have lost their worth. They live in the present and past doesn’t bother them much. An Aries will let a Gemini have his freedom and in return, the Gemini will respect his individuality and never lean on him too much.

Even though the relationship of a Gemini and an Aries is quite smooth, there may encounter a few bumps on the way. One such situation is when Gemini takes much time in completing a conversation, which may make the Aries impatient and irritated. The zodiac match of an Aries and a Gemini is a lively one, in which there is no dearth of intellectual talks and articulate arguments. They brighten each other’s life and know how to live life to the fullest. Gemini will love the Ram’s enthusiasm and Aries would enjoy in the company of the Twins.

Aries Man and Gemini Woman

Aries man and Gemini woman get on like a house on fire. Variety, excitement, new challenges and adventure are the words that get both of them going. This relationship has nil chances of boredom creeping in. Though they may have heated arguments every now and then, the fire will calm down as soon as it blazed. She will keep him on his toes all the time and he will be the perfect answer to her needs of constant communication. Together, they will explore, talk, love and have lots and lots of fun.

Aries Woman and Gemini Man

The combination of an Aries woman and a Gemini man is a high energy one. Both of them share mutual interests and a Gemini man will never ever overshadow the individuality of an Aries woman. At the same time, she will shower him with attention and will be interested in his wildest of dreams. He will woo her with his charm and romantic gestures. However, a Gemini woman will have to control her flirtatious nature or there may be some serious problems between the two.

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