Premature Graying of Hair — Premature graying of hair is a normal occurrence in people these days. It is characterized by fading out of hair, with the color draining from it. The condition can affect anyone, causing a young person to look much older than he/she actually is. The actual cause of premature graying is lack of oil gland production …
Read More »Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy — Poison oak or ivy, as it is known as, is a plant that is mostly found in North America. Scientifically known as Toxicodendron diversilobum, it has leaves divided into three densely haired leaflets, with three to seven distinct lobes. It is a woody vine which produces urushiol, a skin irritant that causes an itching rash in most …
Read More »Pneumonia
Pneumonia — Pneumonia, an infectious disease, causes inflammation of the lungs. One of the most dangerous diseases, pneumonia is threatening if both the lungs of the ailing person get affected. This condition is termed as double pneumonia. Some of the causes of pneumonia are bronchiectasis, excessive smoking, chronic alcohol misuse, intravenous drug misuse, weakened immune system, cystic fibrosis and lung …
Read More »Piles
Piles — Hemorrhoids, more popularly known as piles, can be described as a condition where the veins around the anus or lower rectum swell or get inflamed. It is due to this that a person faces difficulty in passing stool. Piles can be dry as well as bleeding. Even dry piles can result in bleeding, if they continue for a …
Read More »Peptic Ulcer
Peptic Ulcer — The erosion caused in the inner lining of the stomach and intestinal tract has been given the name of ‘peptic ulcer’. While the ulcer in stomach is known as gastric ulcer, the one in intestinal tract, or duodenum, is called duodenal ulcer. When gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer are clubbed together, they are known as peptic ulcer. …
Read More »Obesity
Obesity — Obesity is the condition where a person has excessive deposit or storage of fat in his/her body. It can affect a person in any and every age group and is also not restricted by sex. Obesity is found more in people who consume food in large quantities and lead a sedentary live. A serious health hazard, the extra …
Read More »Nervousness
Nervousness — Nervousness is a feeling of restlessness, apprehension and worry that a person goes through when he faces a stressful situation. The most common symptoms of nervousness are palpitations, muscle tension, dry mouth, sweating, lack of concentration, sleeplessness, gasping (a.k.a. hyper ventilation), sick feeing in the stomach and a strong anticipation of something disastrous ahead. The best way to …
Read More »Nose Bleed
Nose Bleed — Nose bleeding is a common ailment that is found in children and adults alike. It is mainly the result of the vulnerability of the nose lining that contains various tiny blood vessels, which tend to bleed easily. There are various reasons or causes of nose bleeding, such as injury to the nose, infection of the mucous membrane, …
Read More »Neuritis
Neuritis — An inflammation or swelling of a single nerve or nerves is termed as neuritis. If, at a time, different groups of nerves, in various parts of the body, get inflamed, the condition is called polyneuritis. The causes of neuritis include presence of toxins due to faulty living habits and nutrition as well as injury or pressure over a …
Read More »Nausea
Nausea — Nausea can be described as a sensation of unease and discomfort in the stomach, with an urge to vomit. It is not a sickness in itself, rather a symptom, which might be experienced in case of numerous diseases or disorders. Nausea can be seen in case of indigestion, morning sickness, motion and sea sickness, stress, chemotherapy, consumption of …
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