
Hanuman: Epic Hero of Ramayana, Mahabharata

Hanuman: An Epic Hero

Hanuman: Epic Hero – It is hard to find a mythical character who is at once so powerful, learned, philosophic, humble and amusing! Anjaneyaputra features prominently in the great epics of Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Hanuman: Epic Hero of Ramayana, Mahabharata Hanuman Meets Lord Rama Hanuman met Rama and his brother Lakshmana while Rama was in exile in the jungle, …

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How did Hanuman meet Rama?

How did Hanuman meet Rama?

How did Hanuman meet Rama? Hanuman met Rama and his brother Lakshmana while Rama was in exile in the jungle, and searching for his wife Sita who was abducted by Ravana. Their quest brought them near Pampa Lake at the foot of Mount Rishyamukha (in Koppal district near Hampi in Karnataka), where the monkey king Sugriva and his ministers were …

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Story behind the birth of Lord Hanuman?

Story behind the birth of Lord Hanuman?

The story of the birth of Lord Hanuman goes thus: Vrihaspati had an attendant called Punjikasthala, who was cursed to assume the form of a female monkey – a curse that could only be nullified if she would give birth to an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Reborn as Anjana, she performed intense austerities to please Shiva, who finally granted her …

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Hanuman Jayanti Vrat Vidhi, Significance

Hanuman Jayanti Vrat: Hindu Culture & Traditions

Hanuman Jayanti Vrat Vidhi & Significance: The birth of Lord Hanuman, the Vanara God, is celebrated as Hanuman Jayanti by the entire Hindu community. An ardent devotee of Lord Rama, Lord Hanuman is worshiped for his immense passion and dedication to the Lord. The Hindus consider Lord Hanuman as a symbol of strength, energy and unfathomable devotion. An important festival …

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How did Hanuman served Lord Rama?

How did Hanuman served Lord Rama?

How did Hanuman served Lord Rama? Hanuman’s initial words highly impressed Lord Rama, and made him comment: “None can talk this way without mastering the Vedas. He has such a flawless countenance, a wonderful accent, and a captivating way of speaking. He has the ability to move even an enemy…” After he revealed his identity as the prince of Ayodhya, …

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बाबुलनाथ शिव मंदिर, गिरगांव चौपाटी, मुंबई

बाबुलनाथ शिव मंदिर, गिरगांव चौपाटी, मुम्बई

बाबुलनाथ शिव मंदिर का स्वयंभू शिवलिंग बाबुलनाथ मुंबई, भारत में स्थित प्राचीन शिव मंदिर है। यह गिरगांव चौपाटी के निकट एक छोटी पहाड़ी पर बना हुआ है। यह नगर के सबसे प्राचीन मंदिरों में से एक है। मंदिर में प्रमुख देवता के रूप में शिव, बबुल (अपभृंश रूप: बाबुल) के पेड़ के देवता के रूप में हैं। मंदिर में महाशिवरात्रि …

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What are basics of path or Dharma that Mahavira advocated for Jains?

What are the basics of the path, or Dharma, that Mahavira advocated for Jains?

Jains or Jainism believe that non-injury is the highest religion. (Basics of Jains) Jains aim to live in such a way that their jiva (soul) doesn’t get any more karma, and so that the karma it already has is either eliminated or helped to decay. They do this by following a disciplined life path. What are basics of path or …

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Mahavir Jayanti Celebration in Jains

Mahavir Jayanti Celebration: Jain Culture & Traditions

Mahavir Jayanti Celebration in Jains: Mahavir Jayanti is the most auspicious day for the followers of Jainism and particularly the Digambars. On Mahavir Jayanti, Jain temples are decorated with flags. In the morning the idol of Mahavira is given a ceremonial bath called the ‘Abhishek’. It is then placed in a cradle and carried in a procession around the neighborhood. …

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