A portmanteu of the words pajamas and Mujahideen, Pajamahadeen or Pajamahideen refer to bloggers who constantly check facts in traditional media. The word refers to news bloggers, their main goal being overthrowing the news establishment. ‘Mujahideen’ comes from an Arabic word referring to those who participate in jihad while bloggers are said to mostly work in their pajamas. It was …
Read More »Who are kitchen police?
Kitchen police are military service personnel whose services are deployed to assist the cook in the kitchen. They help the cook by cutting vegetables, cleaning the floor, washing the dishes, etc. Sometimes, regular combat personnel are also sent on kitchen duty as punishment for minor offences. This term has been used in the US since World War I.
Read More »Who are hippy-crites?
Hypocritical celebrities or those who espouse a cause but don’t live by the principles they preach. The word hippy-crite particularly refers to those celebrities guilty of environmental hypocrisy. For instance, those who complain about pollution but nonetheless use products that pollute. Hippycrites also refer to wannabe hippies —those who claim they are hippies but don’t exactly lead such a lifestyle.
Read More »Who are Echo Boomers?
Echo Boomers are children of the Baby Boomer generation (seen as an echo of them, hence the name). They were born in late 1970s-1990. They are stereotyped as ethnically diverse children of the computer age, comfortable with digital communications, moderately conformist, untroubled by the generation gap. This group is large (three times that of the preceding Generation X). The group …
Read More »Who are carpet-baggers?
Newcomers who enter a territory seeking success are called carpetbaggers. This term originated from ambitious northerners in the US who flocked to the post-Civil War South, carrying their possessions in a handbag made of carpet material. They sought opportunities to help newly-enfranchized Black citizens run for political office, in return for various favours.
Read More »Who are carborexics?
Carborexics are people who take eco-consciousness to the extreme, almost bordering on obsessive compulsive behaviour. Such people are also referred to as dark green carborexics because they constantly worry about their carbon footprint, which is the impact a person’s activities has on the environment. Some carborexics use their lawn as the toilet so that they don’t waste water by flushing. …
Read More »Who are Acharya?
The message of Jina, Lord Mahavira the last Tirthankara, is carried by the Acharya, our spiritual leaders. The responsibility of the spiritual welfare of the entire Jain Sangh rests on the shoulders of the Acharyas. Before reaching this state, one has to do an in-depth study and have a thorough mastery of the Jain Agams. In addition to acquiring a …
Read More »Which word has the most number of synonyms?
Synonyms are words with similar meanings. However, it’s difficult to say which word has most number of synonyms because the synonyms of a particular word tend to be subjective and their meanings tend to vary from the original word.
Read More »Which was the first war fought in the history of mankind?
If we define war as a large-scale violent conflict between two states employing the military, the earliest recorded wars might have taken place between various city states in the Mesopotamian region during the period 3,000-2,300 BC in the Bronze Age. The first recorded evidence of such a war was the one between the two city states Lagash and Umma, estimated …
Read More »Which was the first reality programme?
For obvious reasons, this is a contentious issue, Allen Funt’s ‘Candid Camera’, which started in 1948 on ABC, is popularly regarded as the grand daddy of all reality shows. In fact, ‘Candid Camera’ itself has its roots in a radio programme called Candid Microphone’, where Allen Funt taped and broadcast the complaints of fellow servicemen on Armed Forces Radio. However, …
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