Venice, a beautiful city was built on 118 islands. It is linked to the mainland by a causeway, but most people travel by gondola or motorboat on the network of canals.
Read More »Which is the world’s sleepiest animal?
The sleepiest animal, considered by the average number of hours of sleep a day is the koala, an arboreal animal with the scientific name Phascclarctos Cinerus, found only in Australia. Though it resembles a teddy bear, scientifically it is close to kangaroos, because it carries its young in a pouch. It lives mostly on eucalyptus trees, sleeping in the fork …
Read More »Which is the world’s rarest bird?
There are several species of bird which are extremely rare, but the rarest may well be the Hawaiian Oaaa bird, which, in 1977, had a world population of just two! It is not known whether this pair has managed to breed since then. If they have not, it is very likely that the species is now extinct.
Read More »Which is the thickest snake in the world?
Although it is not the longest snake-this title is claimed by a python-the Anaconda is certainly the thickest. Anacondas grow to 20 feet in length and measured around their fattest part can reach 3 feet in diameter. Naturally such a colossal snake (weighing about 17 stone) cannot move swiftly and so the Anaconda relies on lying in wait for its …
Read More »Which is the only cat that cannot retract its claws?
Cats often push their claws in and out as they stretch after a good sleep. The ability to retract the claws means that they are always sharp when needed for fighting or killing prey. The cheetah, however, is the only cat which cannot retract its claws-they are used to help it grip the ground when hunting at speed.
Read More »Which is the only bird that can eat cuckoo-pint berries?
The cuckoo-pint is an unusual plant of hedgerows and woodsides, which produces bright red berries in the autumn. The berries are extremely poisonous to all birds, except the thrush.
Read More »Which is the oldest lighthouse in the world?
The first definite and documented lighthouse in the world was the Pharaohs of Alexandria built in 200 BC, although beacons were certainly used before that. The oldest working lighthouse in the world is at La Coruqa in north-west Spain near the town of Ferol. A lighthouse has been on this site since the time of the Roman emperor Trajan. The …
Read More »Which is the oldest dance form?
Historians consider the dance form that is today known as belly dance the oldest form. It originated 6,000 years ago and was practised by many ancient cultures. Even though the modern belly dance has many negative connotations and is considered to be seductive, it had a totally different purpose in ancient times. Originally, it was performed only by women, for …
Read More »Which is the oldest civilization?
The Sumerian civilization is the oldest civilization known to mankind. The term ‘Sumer’ is today used to designate southern Mesopotamia. In 3000 BC, a flourishing urban civilization existed. The Sumerian civilization was predominantly agricultural and had community life. The Sumerians were adept at building canals and in irrigation. Excavated objects such as pottery, jewellery and weapons show they were also …
Read More »Which is the most widely used alphabet in the world?
All western languages, as well as the written languages of Africa, are based on the Roman alphabet, which was developed in about the 7th Century BC. Then it had only 21 letters; J, U, W, Y and Z were added later.
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