The apes are divided into three groups: the gibbons, the great apes and man. Apes differ from monkeys by being more intelligent.
Read More »What is the difference between intensive and subsistence farming?
Intensive farming produces surpluses of crops and livestock for a farmer to sell for profit. Subsistence farming produces only just enough produce for a farmer to live on.
Read More »What is the difference between frogs and toads?
Most people recoil in horror at seeing a toad in the garden. Toads are certainly more ugly than frogs. They have large flattened bodies with dry, wrinkled and primply skins. The head of toad is blunter than a frog’s and its arms and legs are shorter. The toad spends most of its time on land and it is a slow …
Read More »What is the difference between Dandiya Raas and Garba Raas?
Dandiya and Garba are the featured dances of Navratri evenings in Gujarat. Originated as devotional Garba dances, which were performed in the honor of Goddess Durga, this dance form is actually the staging of a mock-fight between the Goddess and Mahishasura, the mighty demon-king. The sticks of the dance represent the sword of Durga. Women normally perform it in a …
Read More »What is the difference between antlers and horns?
Antelopes, cows, goats and sheep have horns. Horns are composed of a bony central core attached to the skull and converted in a horny sheath. The horny sheath is ‘grown’ by a lair of tissue covering the bony core. Horns continue to grow throughout the life of the animal. (When people used horns for drinking from, it was the horny …
Read More »What is the difference between a seal and a sea lion?
Sea lions have external ear-flaps, but seals do not. Also, sea lions can pulls their hind limbs forward to use as ‘back legs’ when on land. Seals cannot do this.
Read More »What is the difference between a coat and a blazer?
A blazer is for formal wear and a coat is for anytime wear. Formal blazers are generally made in deep shades. Coats can be made of any fabric like cotton, linen and leather. There is a slight difference though. Typically, coats form part of a man’s suit, while blazers are available without pants as you can wear them with formal …
Read More »What is the difference between a centipede and a millipede?
A millipede does not have a million legs but it has twice as many as centipede about the same length – two pair to each segment. In spite of this the millipede moves more slowly than the centipede. It feeds on vegetation and often destroys valuable crops like potatoes, whereas the centipede is a carnivore and catches worms, spiders and …
Read More »What is the devil quartet?
The devil or ‘evil quartet’ is a sobriquet used to describe the four major causes that have led to the accelerated rate of extinction of species. These causes have been attributed mainly to human activities like extensive deforestation and poaching. These cause habitat loss and fragmentation, over-exploitation, alien species invasion and co-extinction. In the context of music, the word quartet …
Read More »What is the Cuban Wushu?
The term Wushu consists of two Chinese characters: wu meaning martial or military and shu meaning skill or method. Together, it translates as martial art. Bruce Lee films brought the first images of kung fu to Cuba. Since then, martial art fans in Cuba started discovering the harmonic, philosophical and therapeutic bases of what is known as Wushu today -a …
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