
What do hot deserts look like?

From watching cinema films, you could be forgiven for thinking that all deserts are covered by sand. However, sand deserts make up only a fifth of the world’s desert. The rest are covered by small stones or just bare rock. Desert landscapes are called by Arabic names. Sand desert is called erg, stony desert reg, and areas of bare rock …

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What did the dinosaur have for breakfast?

The ‘overgrown lizard’ is that most frightening of extinct animals. Tyrannosaurus Rex. There were some dinosaurs even larger than Tyrannosaurus, but they were harmless, placid, grazing animals. Tyrannosaurus was a carnivore a meat eater and its breakfast was probably another, less powerful dinosaur. Thanks of fossil remains, we have a good idea of what this monster looked like. It stood …

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What did Captain Cook prove in the Southern Hemisphere?

As a result of Tasman’s discoveries, Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand were thought to be part of one enormous continental island. It was shown on maps of the time as Terra Australis Cognita (or Southern Known Land) separated from another to the south shown as Terra Australis Incognita (or Unknown). Captain Cook, however, proved that the former was not one …

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What day of the week will it be, a year from today?

Suppose that today is February 13, 2053. The day of the week is a Thursday. One week (seven days) from today, on February 20, 2053, it will be Thursday again. After two weeks (fourteen days), it will be Thursday once more. We need to figure out how many weeks and days will have passed after a year. 2053 is not …

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What creates a dust bowl?

In 1934, people in the city of Boston in the north-eastern USA watched in amazement as clouds of choking yellow dust passed over them on their way to the Atlantic Ocean. The dust had come from the Great Plains in the American Midwest. These plains are generally treeless, because the average yearly rainfall is less than 500mm (20 in) and …

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टिकिया साबुन की

Tikiya Sabun ki

तालाब किनारे राेती थी, कल बिटिया इक बैरागन की, जब जालम कागा ले भागा, बिन पूछे टिकिया साबुन की। ये बाल भी लतपत साबुन में, पाेशाक भीतन पर नाजक सी, था अब्र में सूरज भी पिनहां, आैर तेज हवा थी फागुन की। आंचल भी उसका उड़ता था, आैर हवा के संग लहराता था, इक हाथ में दामन थामा था, इक …

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