Born in a village KIRARI of Delhi. Studies in Delhi upto Ph.d. Have taught as visiting professor for 3 years in South Korea. Have worked as Principal of Motilal Nehru College, University of Delhi. Have published about 50 books which include 6 poetry collections, one verse play 'Khand Khand Agni'; 4 books of research and criticism (essays); 25 books of poems, stories, drama etc. for children. Have got several International and national awards which include Grijakumar Mathur National Award, Soviet Land Nehru Award, Sahityakar Sanmaan of Hindi Academy of NCT Delhi, N.CE.R.T's National Award for children literature, Bhartiya Anuvad Parishad Delhi's Dwivageesh Puraskar on translation work, etc. Research work for Ph.d have been done on my creative works.
Divik Ramesh
September 14, 2015
Poems In Hindi
अगर पेड भी चलते होते कितने मजे हमारे होते बांध तने में उसके रस्सी चाहे जहाँ कहीं ले जाते जहाँ कहीं भी धूप सताती उसके नीचे झट सुस्ताते जहाँ कहीं वर्षा हो जाती उसके नीचे हम छिप जाते लगती भूख यदि अचानक तोड मधुर फल उसके खाते आती कीचड-बाढ क़हीं तो झट उसके उपर चढ ज़ाते अगर पेड भी चलते …
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