Animals first appeared on earth about 430 million years ago, but did not begin to resemble the ones we know today until 360 million years later. Sharks however were already abundant about 340 million years ago. It seems that the first land animals were insects such as scorpions and millipedes. But they were greatly different from today’s insects. Next to …
Read More »Nepal Earthquake Images
Nepal Earthquake Images: At least 3,326 people are now known to have died in a massive earthquake which hit Nepal on 25th April, 2015 (Saturday). Thousands have spent a second night outside after the 7.8-magnitude quake, which also triggered deadly avalanches around Mount Everest. Earth Day Greetings For Students And Children The April 2015 Nepal earthquake (also known as the Gorkha …
Read More »Pray to What Earth: Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau (July 12, 1817 – May 6, 1862) was an American naturalist, essayist, poet, and philosopher. A leading transcendentalist, he is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay “Civil Disobedience” (originally published as “Resistance to Civil Government”), an argument for disobedience to an unjust state. Thoreau’s books, articles, …
Read More »Our Earth: Mother Earth Day Poem For Kids
Our Earth: Mother Earth is clearly urging a call to action. Nature is suffering. Oceans filling with plastic and turning more acidic. Extreme heat, wildfires and floods, as well as a record-breaking Atlantic hurricane season, have affected millions of people. Now we face COVID-19, a worldwide health pandemic link to the health of our ecosystem. Climate change, man-made changes to …
Read More »डानाकिल डिप्रैशन: दुनिया की सबसे गर्म जगह
दुनिया की सबसे गर्म जगह का नाम है ‘डानाकिल डिप्रैशन‘ जो उत्तरी अफ्रीकी देश इथियोपिया में है। इसका एक हिस्सा पड़ोसी देश इरीट्रिया से भी लगता है। ‘डानाकिल डिप्रैशन’ दुनिया की सबसे गर्म, सबसे सूखी और धरती पर सबसे नीची जगह है। यह इथियोपिया के अफार इलाके में पड़ती है। यहां का मौसम बेहद जालिम है। बेहद खराब माहौल होने …
Read More »How can we foretell Earthquake?
China has suffered some terrible earthquakes, and it isn’t surprising that China’s scientists want to find ways of forecasting them. In 1975, they were successful. They cleared the city of Haicheng two hours before a devastating quake and saved the city’s population. Earthquake forecasting is, however, still inexact; the Chinese have failed to predict several earthquakes since 1975, but they …
Read More »How does the Earth keep warm?
How does the Earth keep warm? This is a question that you have answered for yourself every time that you have been sunbathing. Almost all of the Earth’s heat, and this means its energy, must come from the Sun. In addition to this the interior of the Earth has retained much of the heat which was generated as the formation …
Read More »How is the height of different places on earth measured from the sea level?
How is the height of different places on earth measured from the sea level? The height of different places on earth is measured with the help of the ‘altimeter’. The instrument used for measuring the height at a place is basically a barometer. At sea level, the height of the barometric liquid (mercury) is 76 cm. When we go to …
Read More »Is the earth perfectly round?
Is the earth perfectly round? No, it isn’t. The earth is in fact like a rubber ball which has been gently squashed at the top and bottom, so that it is widest at the equator. It also has four bulges which form rough corners. These are in Ireland, and near the countries of Peru, South Africa and New Guinea. Scientists …
Read More »New Jersey State: US Encyclopedia For Students
New Jersey, a Middle Atlantic state located between New York on the north and east and Pennsylvania and Delaware on the west, occupies a peninsula bounded by the Delaware and Hudson rivers. The state’s northern border is its only artificial limit. The Atlantic Ocean to the southeast provides an attractive and popular resort area. The “waistline” of the state is …
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