
Why do penguins only have small flipper-like wings?

Although many birds can both swim and fly, no other bird can swim as well as the flightless penguins. Penguins have muscles, bones and organs very much like those of flying birds, so we assume that their ancestors must have been able to fly. Probably they slowly lost the power of flight while learning to swim faster and dive deeper …

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Why do many birds have honeycombed bones?

Birds fly so well because they have developed skeletons which are especially light and strong. Most of their bones are hollow, with the interior webbed or honeycombed across by fine girders of bone to give added strength. They are sometimes called pneumatic or air-filled bones. A bird’s skull is made of thin bone in remarkable contrast to the solid, heavy …

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Why do lots of tourists flock to the town of Oberammergau every ten years?

The Oberammergau Passion Play was first performed in 1635 and is the result of a vow made by the inhabitants of the village that if God spared them from the effects of the bubonic plague then sweeping the region they would perform a passion play every ten years. The play is now performed in years ending with a zero, except …

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Why do Locusts Swarm?

Have you ever tried chasing a frisky grasshopper? If you have, you will definitely know that scampering after a jumpy bug is not an easy task. Most species of grasshoppers have a keen sense of hearing and the moment they sense trouble, they can hop fast and furious! Sometimes, shortage of food turns grasshoppers into migratory insects as they venture …

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Mother’s Day Special: A hug for MOMMY

The city is celebrating Mother’s Day primarily with banners and posters. For, the idea of buying presents for moms just doesn’t find favour with youngsters. NECESSITY is the invention of all mothers. As so many moms seek ‘all things good and wonderful’ primarily for their little ones, they remain at the receiving end. No, not in the unending queues for …

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Mother’s Day: All hype or some substance?

Mother’s Day: All hype or some substance?

MOTHERS are often taken for granted because they are always there for you. The thought that one should verbalise one’s emotions on a specific day takes a little getting used to. But, thanks to media hype and multinationals’ selling strategies, there’s a way to celebrate each and every day—Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day etc. Multinationals use all sorts of …

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Story Behind Mother’s Day

Story Behind Mother's Day

The earliest Mother’s Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea, the Mother of the Gods. During the 1600’s, England celebrated a day called “Mothering Sunday”. Celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent (the 40-day-period leading up to Easter), “Mothering Sunday” honoured the mothers of England. As Christianity spread throughout Europe, …

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क्यों होते हैं धार्मिक स्थान पूज्य व पावन?

क्यों होते हैं धार्मिक स्थान पूज्य व पावन?

सन्ताें के तपस्थलाें, तीर्थस्थलाें व पवित्र धामाें की यात्रा पर जाने का महात्म्य यह है कि हमें वहां जाकर ईश्वर का स्मरण हाे सके। हमारे पूजा-स्थल, धर्म स्थान व मंदिर इसलिए पूज्य व पावन हैं क्याेंकि वहां जाकर हमें ईश्वर की याद आती है। वास्तव में ईश्वर कहीं खाे नहीं गया है, बस हमने ही उसे भुला दिया है। अनमाेल …

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