
How fast can a dragonfly fly?

It is very difficult to estimate the speed of insects in flight but it is thought that some dragonflies can reach 30 miles an hour. Dragonflies are easily the most skilled fliers of the insects. You may have seen them on a summer’s evening along the river bank, flitting and darting in vivid flashes of beautiful iridescent colour. You can …

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How does venom attack the body?

In the broadest terms, venom functions as a neurotoxin, hemotoxin, or combination. Neurotoxins attack the nervous system and cause death by heart failure or suffocation (your lungs stop working). They also cause pain and paralysis. Hemotoxins attack the circulatory system and body tissues. The result is pain, swelling and thinning or thickening of the prey’s blood and degeneration of organs. …

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How does the ringhals protect itself?

The ringhals is a king of cobra, and it has two methods of self-defence. When danger first threatens, the ringhals pretends to be dead. It turns its body over, and lies there with its mouth open. Sometimes this has the desired effect and the would-be predator goes away. But if the predator persists the ringhals has another way of defecting …

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How does a termite colony start?

When conditions are right special fertile winged termites hatch within the mound. They suddenly leave the rest in a dense swarm and disperse. After travelling a short way they drop to the ground and break off their wings which they no longer need. A male and a female pair up, choose a suitable home, perhaps in an old rotten log, …

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How does a red squirrel eat?

Red squirrels, like their cousins the grey squirrels, eat a variety of food ranging from eggs raided from birds’ nests to nuts and pine cones. Pine cone seeds from the major part of their diet. These are methodically stripped from the pine cone. The squirrel nibbles out the seeds along on edge, and then, rotating the cone with its front …

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How does a fountain-pen work?

A pen, that carries a supply of ink inside it, is called a fountain-pen. This ink supply is in a reservoir, either a disposable cartridge or a rubber, sac-like container inside the pen’s barrel. Disposable cartridges can be removed completely and replaced with a new one when they run dry, but the sac is filled by a different method. On …

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