
What is the Large Hadron Collider project?

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), currently being built at CERN near Geneva, is the largest scientific instrument on the planet. When it begins operations later this year, it will produce roughly 15 petabytes (15 million gigabytes) of data annually. The mission of the LHC Computing Project (LCG) is to build and maintain a data storage infrastructure.

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An Aerial Ropeway

An Aerial Ropeway This increasingly popular form of transporting goods suggests an up-to-date mechanical toy which will provide a great deal of amusement. The first necessity is a pair of stout wooden uprights, suitably weighted so that they will not pull over. Wood one inch square in section and about six inches high will be suitable, if each upright is …

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What is the jump seat in the cockpit of an aircraft?

A jump seat, officially known as an auxiliary crew station, is a seat in the cockpit for individuals not operating the aircraft. The term is also used to refer to crew seats in the cabin, which are occupied by a flight attendant or other cabin crew during take-off and landing. These cabin jump seats are typically located next to or …

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What is the international space station?

The most ambitious project since the Apollo missions to land a man on the moon, the International Space Station (ISS) is the next step in human exploration of the solar system. It is a joint venture between 16 nations, and the largest scientific cooperative programme in history. All power for the space station is generated by large arrays of solar …

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What is the inert pair effect?

To understand the inert pair effect, we need to understand the periodic table. There are some inherent properties of elements in the table. The inert pair effect is nothing but the extra stability concept. Generally p-block elements belonging to 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, etc. show variable valency. For example, Sn element of group 4A shows +4 and +2 oxidation state. …

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What is the importance of plants in life’s framework?

It is only when we stop to think that we realize the importance of land plants to us. We eat them in our cereals and vegetables, we make use of them for fibres like cotton, we depend on them for many drugs such as penicillin. But even when we eat meat, we must remember that the animals which produce the …

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What is the greatest distance you can see?

If you stood on the shore looking across the sea to the horizon (the line appearing to separate earth from sky), you might be able to see about two and half miles. But the higher you stood the further you would be able to see. As the earth is curved, the horizon would appear farther away with energy increase in …

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What is the Great Rift Valley?

The Great Rift Valley is the vast geographic depression that runs from the Jordan River Valley in Syria, South-western Asia to Mozambique in eastern Africa. The valley is approximately 6000 km, and its width varies from a few miles to more than one hundred miles. Its elevation varies from 1300 feet below sea level to 6000 feet above sea level. …

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