If you thought that the clock in the tower of the Houses of Parliament in London was called Big Ben, you would be wrong. The tower itself is called St. Stephen’s Tower, while the clock is called the Westminster clock, and it is the bell that strikes the hour which is called Big Ben. This bell weighs thirteen tons. So …
Read More »What is bibliotherapy?
Bibliotherapy is an expressive therapy that uses an individual’s relationship to the content of books and poetry and other written words as therapy. Bibliotherapy is often combined with writing therapy. Bibliotherapy is an old concept in library science. In the US it is documented as dating back to the 1930s. Bibliotherapy consists of the selection of reading material, for a …
Read More »What is bee dancing?
Bee dancing is the circling and wagging movements made by worker bees to give other bees in the hive information about the location of a new source of food. Bees dance in a particular area in the comb: the dance floor. They perform a waggle dance, indicating that food is farther away, while the round dance indicates the food is …
Read More »What is baryogenesis?
It is a branch of physics concerned with how baryons were originally formed. Baryons are a family of subatomic particles and, like other subatomic particles, have their opposite category called anti-baryons. Interestingly, baryons outnumber antibaryons, thus giving rise to a lot of residual matter in the universe. Physicists believe the asymmetry between baryons and anti-baryons must have been caused by …
Read More »What is balata and where is it used?
Balata is a variety of non-elastic rubber obtained from the latex of the tropical tree known by the botanical name Manilkara bidentata. The trees are spread mainly in South America. Balata is used extensively in the manufacture of golf-ball covers and machine belts.
Read More »What is balance?
Balance is what keeps us upright, although we tend to take it for granted unless we are standing on a swaying bus or crossing a narrow bridge. But how do we know when we are upright? The answer lies in our ears in three small tubes called semi-circular canals. These canals are filled with liquid and they act very much …
Read More »What is azimuth in astrology?
A point of the horizon and a circle extending to it from the zenith; or an arc of the horizon measured clockwise between the south-point of the horizon and a vertical circle passing through the center of any object. An azimuth is an angular measurement in a spherical coordinate system. The vector from an observer (origin) to a point of …
Read More »What is astrobiology?
A branch of astronomy that deals with the identification of habitable regions in the universe, the search for extraterrestrial life and effects of outer space environments on living organisms. It is the study of the origin and distribution of life in the universe. Astrobiology makes use of physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology, molecular biology, ecology, planetary science, geography and geology to …
Read More »What is Artificial Intelligence?
If you touch a hot metal object, you will yank your hand away immediately. When this happens to you the first time, the sequence of events and the result (the burning of your hand) gets stored in your brain. This is what we call an experience. When you see a hot metal object next time, you will not touch it. …
Read More »What is artificial gravity?
Artificial gravity is the varying of gravity using artificial means. It is used largely in space, but also on Earth. It can be achieved by the use of different forces, in particular centrifugal force and (for short periods) linear acceleration. The creation of artificial gravity is considered desirable for long-term space travel or habitation. It allows for ease of mobility, …
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