भगवान राम ने अपने वनवास के चौदह वर्षों के प्रारंभिक साढ़े ग्यारह वर्ष चित्रकूट में व्यतित किए थे। चित्रकूट सदियों से ऋषि-मुनियों की तपस्थली रहा है। माना जाता है की हनुमान जी की कृपा से चित्रकूट में ही भगवान श्री राम ने गोस्वामी तुलसीदास जी को दर्शन दिए थे और आज भी हनुमान जी यहीं वास करते हैं तथा भक्तों …
Read More »What is a wildscape?
It is a garden landscaped for wildlife – like frogs, garden snakes, birds and butterflies. Small wild animals visit a wildscape which provides food, water and shelter.
Read More »What is a white hole?
A white hole, in general relativity, is a hypothetical region of space time which cannot be entered from the outside, but from which matter and light may escape. In this sense it is the reverse of a black hole, which can be entered from the outside, but from which nothing, including light, may escape. (However, it is theoretically possible for …
Read More »What is a Volcano?
What is nature’s most powerful, most destructive, most dangerous form? Some would say an earthquake, others a cyclone. However, these phenomenon are relatively smaller and less destructive in scale compared to the fury of a volcano. Fourteen miles southeast of Naples in Italy, lie the remains of an ancient town called Pompeii. The city flourished under the shadows of the …
Read More »What is a volantor?
A volantor is a prototype of a flying saucer-style hovercraft. It is also known as VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) craft. It was invented by Paul Moller. It’s currently under development. ‘Volantor’ is a term coined by Moller meaning: a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft that’s capable of flying in a quick, nimble and agile manner. It has ducted …
Read More »What is a vacuum?
A vacuum, in theory, is a space entirely devoid of matter. But no method has been devised for producing one. In practice, therefore, a vacuum in an enclosed space from which air or other gasses have been expelled to such an extent that the pressure inside is below that of the atmosphere. There are partial vacuums and high vacuums, according …
Read More »What is a unitasker?
Unitasker refers to a tool or a unit that is capable of doing only one thing. It is also used to refer to people, where a person can manage to do only one task at a time. People think twice before investing in a unitasker, especially in the kitchen where space is constrained. In the case of a person, being …
Read More »What is a tornado?
A tornado is really a small cyclone. It can be up to a mile in diameter, and can cause terrible damage. Tornadoes occur when the conditions to create ordinary thunderstorms are extremely violent, which happens very rarely and only in certain parts of the world. There is an updraft of air, around which winds blow in opposite directions. This starts …
Read More »What is a time loop?
Normally, a loop is a geometrical figure which, when traversed, results in getting back to the same point from where one started. A time loop, also known as temporal loop, is a common plot device in science fiction in which time runs normally for a set period, usually a day or maybe a few hours but then skips back to …
Read More »What is a time capsule?
A time capsule is a cache of goods / information created to serve as a mode of communication with people in the future. These may include archaeologists, anthropologists or historians. The capsules are sometimes buried at sites where events are held. The term has been used since about 1939. There are two types of capsules: intentional and unintentional. Intentional time …
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