Some people become very frightened during a thunder storm, but there’s really nothing to worry about. Lightning is the result of a collision between two electrical charges one positive, and the other negative either in two clouds or in a cloud and the earth. When the difference between the two charges becomes great enough, a great spark the lightning jumps …
Read More »What are the uses of the telephone?
Most of us find telephones extremely useful for talking to others, but the telephone has several other uses. The telephone network sends voices around the world in the form of electric signals. It can also send other kinds of electric signals that are not voice signals for example, computer signals. Computer networks are groups of computers connected together by telephone …
Read More »What are the three sacred treasures of Japan?
Japanese legend says that the Sun-goddess Amaterasu ruled over the Plain of High Heaven, and her Storm brother’s empire was the sea Plain. But Susanowo, her brother, was so violent that Amaterasu hid in a cave and plunged the world into darkness. She peeped out when the gods hung a necklace and mirror in a tree, and light returned. Susanowo …
Read More »What are the speeds of diesel and electric locomotive engines?
Diesel locomotive engines are classified as diesel-mechanical (DM), diesel-electric (DE) and diesel-hydraulic (DH) engines. DM engines run at an average speed of 60 kmph, while DE engines travel at an average speed of 80 kmph, also the average speed of an electric engine. The DH engines are heavy duty ones and maintain an average speed of 120 kmph.
Read More »What are the sinuses?
They are air filled pockets within the skull and face bones and they are lined with mucous membrane. They open into the nose or mouth, chiefly, and they can quite easily get irritated or infected, which can be painful.
Read More »What are the main kinds of wood?
The vast coniferous forests in the northern hemisphere contain evergreen trees, including cedars, firs, larches, pines and spruces. They are all called softwoods, though some are quite hard. But most are easy to work and have many uses, including the making of paper. Deciduous, or broadleaved, trees grow in temperate lands. They include ash, beech, birch, chestnut, oak, sycamore and …
Read More »What are the grand and Dogger Banks?
Around the continents are shallow seas covering the continental shelves. These seas contain most of the world’s chief fishing grounds, some of which are called banks. The Grand Banks, off the south-east coast of Newfoundland, Canada, extend across about 360,000 square km (139,000 square miles). With an average depth of 110 m (361 ft), they yield more than 800,000 tonnes …
Read More »What are the endocrine glands?
They are a set of glands that manufacture hormones and introduce them into the body system. They differ from other glands in that they have no pipes for carrying away their productions, and are sometimes also known as ductless glands. They include the thyroid, the adrenal, the parathyroid, the pituitary, the pancreas, and the sex glands in both men and …
Read More »What are textonyms?
They refer to the new language developed by cellphone-addicted teenagers, based on predictive text on their handsets. They are also known as adaptonyms or cellodromes. Using predictive text, the first alternative to certain keywords are used in textonyms.
Read More »What are teeth made of?
Teeth are made of a bony substance called dentine, and they are capped or crowned with what is called enamel. The hollow part of a tooth contains a pulpy substance that has many highly sensitive nerves and minute blood vessels. If the tooth becomes decayed the blood vessels swell and press against the nerves and this causes toothache.
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