
Does an electric field affect plant growth?

Yes, an electric field affects plant growth. In the presence of an electric field, the height of the stem and the length of the roots are more than those without an electric field. The change in growth rate depends on electric field, temperature and humidity. Experiments show that if an electric field intensity of 25 kv/m is applied and temperature …

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Does all wine get better as it grows older?

Not necessarily. Although many types of wine, particularly red ones, improve with age, there are some which do not keep so well, and may become unpleasant if kept for too long. Also, it has became fashionable recently to drink some wines when they are ‘new’ this means that the wine has been made from grapes harvested in the same year. …

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Does a bigger brain make you smarter?

It is not the size of brain that makes one person brilliant and another dullard, for most adults have brains of the same size and weight-about 11/2 kilograms. Rather, it is the way the brain develops. Your brain stores information from your past experiences, helping you to remember, learn, and think. But people differ in how much they remember, how …

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Do Whales and Dolphins see Blue?

Dolphins and whales live in the deep blue sea, but strangely these animals are not able to see the colour blue! Leo Peichl of the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt and his colleagues discovered during routine tests that seals do not respond to the blue colour. Intrigued, they carried out similar tests on few other species, such …

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Do we have a stomach clock?

A science study suggests that the nerves in the stomach act as a circadian clock, limiting food intake to specific times of the day, and acting as a type of ‘stomach clock’. For the study, a research team examined how the nerves in the stomach respond to stretch, which occurs as a consequence of food intake, at three-hourly intervals across …

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Do snakes eat snakes?

King snakes are particularly fond of eating other snakes althogh they do not out of their way to track them down. A chance encounter with another species usually results in the king snake overcoming the other by constriction. King snakes are immune to the venom of poisonous snakes and so even such deadly species as rattlesnakes and copperheads are not …

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