Constipation (Ayurvedic Name – Vibandh)

Constipation ReliefConstipation (Ayurvedic Name – Vibandh) — Constipation according to modern medicinal science is defined as infrequent passage of hard stool, patient’s complain of straining, a sensation of incomplete evacuation, abdominal discomfort etc.

According to Ayurveda in our body there are thirteen types of motions or processes by which body excrete useless particles from itself. If we try to stop them or they are affected naturally or by any means their functioning is affected, which creates ‘Udavart Rog’ – a disease in body. All in all there are thirteen types of ‘udavart’ according to the division of motions in a human body .One of them is known as ‘aanah’ or ‘vibandh’ (constipation). Constipation is caused by interrupting the process ‘Apan vayu’ (this is one type of air existing in body controls specified motion in body, there are 5types of air in human body control all type motions in healthy human body) ’Apan vayu’ is responsible for evacuation and passage of stool and urine whenever this air disturb it creates ‘vibandh’ or constipation.

There are two types of constipation according to Ayurveda:

  1. Amashyagat
  2. Packwashyagat


Constipation PainThirst, pain, heaviness in abdomen, painful passage of stool, incomplete evacuation, abdominal crams, headache, dizziness, lethargy, loss of appetite, and sometimes bleeding during passing stool due to the hard stool.

Home Cure

  1. Proper diet and daily morning / evening walk.
  2. Isabgol powder (2 tablespoons) with warm water before going to bed at night.
  3. Fried harad powders prepared with ghee to be taken with warm water twice a day.
  4. One-tablespoon of ghee with warm milk at bedtime every day.
  5. One-tablespoon castor of oil with one cup of milk every day at bedtime
  6. Gulkand with milk twice day (very effective).
  7. Luke water with honey.
  8. ‘Gur (Jaggery – A form of raw lump sugar)’ at bedtime with warm milk useful in daily routine life to solve the problem.

Therapeutically Remedies

  • Constipation and BloatingHingwadi vati
  • Panchlavan Churn
  • Vyoshadi kwath
  • Vachadi churn
  • Panchsakar Churn
  • Naracharas

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