Rheumatoid Arthritis (Sandhigat Vata)

Rheumatoid ArthritisRheumatoid Arthritis (Sandhigat Vata) — Rheumatoid arthritis in Ayurveda is known as ‘Sandhigat vata’. It is a condition that causes pain, swelling, inflammation of joints and deformity of joint, which may restrict joint movements. In rheumatoid arthritis small joints of the hands and feet are affected first, making them felt stiff. There are two most common forms of Arthritis – osteoarthritis & rheumatoid Arthritis. There are hundred different types of Arthritis, and careful diagnosis, early detection & right treatment can help relieve pain & prevent later complications.

Rheumatoid arthritis is more common after 40 but can affect any age group. Females are more likely to have arthritis than males. There are more than 30 million people in the states and approximately 3 lakh people in the UK who have some form of arthritis; women are more affected. In U.S.A. Arthritis is an expensive disease and is known as the most spread crippling disease. Modern medicine is unable to cure arthritis while it is trying to treat it with painkillers & steroids, which are more harmful for health.


The exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, but Ayurveda explains it very well. According to Ayurveda it is caused by formation of ‘Ama’ in our body. The undigested food or ‘ama rasa’ is produced by imbalanced body fire, which is carried by imbalanced vata dosha and reaches the kapha dominated places (joints, stomach, chest, brain etc.) and blocks the vital channels, nourishing the body. According to immunologists rheumatoid arthritis is an auto immune disease.

How is ‘Ama’ formed in Our Body

Body doshas (vata, pitta, kapaha) are imbalanced due to opposite to your nature food and lifestyle, by lowered ‘Jathragni’ (fire responsible for food digestion), excess in physical exertion that involves a lot of joint movements.

Sign & Symptoms

Joints Inflammation and pain, stiffness, swelling, restricted movement, joint movements accompanied with sounds, start in wrist and hand joints, Rheumatoid nodules, fever, loss of energy, loss of appetite, weakness, low interest in food (aruchi ), indigestion.


Ayurveda treatment includes some procedures to cure rheumatoid arthritis that should be done under Ayurveda doctor supervision:

  • Snehan – massage with medicated oils.
  • Swedan – fomentation with herbs.
  • Lepan – local application of medicated paste.
  • Anuloman – mild laxative treatment.
  • Shamana – oral treatment with therapeutic remedies.

Home Remedies

During the treatment for rheumatoid arthritis remember to take care of proper digestion; one day fasting is beneficial for removing Ama. In addition the following home remedies are also helpful for getting relieve in rheumatoid arthritis:

  1. Lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey mixed in a cup of warm water;
  2. Saffron with milk at bedtime;
  3. Castor oil with milk at bedtime before to sleep;
  4. Massage with warm clove oil;
  5. Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with warm water helps cure arthritis.


Garlic, castor seeds, aloe vera, nutmeg, saffron, vasaka, winter cherry, pepper, lemon grass.

Yoga Care

Pranayama, Pavanmuktasana, Bhujangasana, Makarasana.

Suggested Diet

According to Ayurveda in rheumatoid arthritis it is suggested to take light food, which can easily be digested. Proper timing/method of intake are also important and helpful for the patients.

  • Vegetable juices and soups, coconut water and milk, carrot juice, beet root juice, cucumber juice.
  • Spices like cumin, coriander, ginger, garlic, fennel and turmeric green salad with a dressing of lemon juice and a little salt.
  • Khichadi is also good for patient having imbalanced vata problem.

Regular physical exercise and massage with oil should form an important part of the routine.


Junk food, food preserved for long time, spicy and fried, sweets, foods which affect vata (air) like cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, okra and potatoes; Excess in taking tea, coffee, alcohol, white sugar, yogurt, chocolate, cocoa; Antibiotics, painkillers, steroids and nicotine, avoid sleeping during day, take good and healthy sleep at night; Mental tensions like worry, anxiety, fear, stress and grief.

Therapeutic Remedies:

  • Triphala Guggulu
  • Maha Yograj or Yograj Guggulu
  • Castor Oil
  • Mahanarayana Oil

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