Routine Abdominal Problems

Routine Abdominal Problems — Abdominal ProblemNow here we are starting our discussion about the routine abdominal problems affecting everyone’s life due to unhygienic diet and eating habits. According to Ayurveda, it is particularly unhygienic eating habits that are responsible for occurrence of a chronic illness. Every disease starts with the routine abdominal disturbance.

Therefore approaching the topic what to eat and not to eat its first necessary to know how to eat. In most of the cases we don’t really know how to eat!!! And it affects our digestion process. To avoid the problems here are the basic but important principles:

  1. Remember excess is always harmful, so eat only when feel hungry, drink good amount of water (especially if using ayurvedic preparation)
  2. Eat quietly, while sitting (not standing), preferably on the floor
  3. Chew food particles well to stimulate digestive enzymes in saliva
  4. Eat simple food with lots of green vegetables
  5. Eat light in breakfast and dinner; lunch should be the biggest as compared to breakfast and dinner
  6. Don’t eat late at night
  7. Always focus on eating rather than distracting yourself with watching television, reading or other activities
  8. Drink small amount of lukewarm water with food as it helps in proper digestion.
  9. Don’t drink large amount of fluids after meal
  10. Don’t overeat. Stop before feeling completely full
  11. Avoid non-vegetables and rice during the Ayurvedic treatment

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