
Sinusitis — Sinusitis can be described as an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the para-nasal sinuses. In simple terms, it can be defined as the over secretion of mucus by the membranes lining the nose and throat. The most common symptoms of sinusitis are constant or excessive sneezing, low grade fever, running nose, headaches, blockage of one or both nostrils, and pressure around the eyes, head, and face. Lack of appetite and difficulty in breathing are the other symptoms of sinusitis. However, sinusitis can be cured by resorting to some natural ways of treatment. In the following lines, we have listed some of the home remedies for treating sinusitis.

Home Remedy For Sinusitis

  • Raw vegetable juice is beneficial in treating sinusitis. Combine 300 ml of carrot juice, 100 ml of cucumber juice, 100 ml of beet juice and 200 ml of spinach juice and drink on a daily basis.
  • Consuming fruits rich in Vitamin A is effective in sinusitis. One of the richest sources of the vitamin is mango. So, patients suffering from sinus should have lots of mangoes. Other food products rich in Vitamin A include pumpkin, leafy vegetables, egg yolk, tomatoes, papaya, carrots, curd and whole milk.
  • Roast 100 grams of cumin seeds and mix them with 200 grams of pure ghee. Consume daily. It is one of the most effective ways to cure sinusitis.
  • Take a tsp of black cumin seeds and tie them in a thin cloth. Inhaling from the cloth would be effective in reducing sinusitis.
  • Boil a tsp of fenugreek seeds in half a glass of water, until the decoction reduces to half. Consuming 3 to 4 cups of this tea would help in expelling all the toxins, increasing the perspiration rate and thereby reducing fever, along with sinusitis.
  • Pungent smelling vegetables, like onion and garlic, are helpful in curing sinusitis. Inhaling their smell would also prove to be beneficial.
  • Steam is effective in curing sinusitis. It opens the nasal passage by draining the sinuses and making mucous flow easy.
  • Avoid cold items and oily stuff. They trigger the upper respiratory diseases, instead of lessening them.
  • Gargling with salted lukewarm water is beneficial in treating sinusitis. For this, add a pinch of salt in a glass of lukewarm water and gargle with it.
  • Prepare ginger or cinnamon tea and drink it when it is slightly on the hotter side. It is helpful in curing sinusitis.

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