What’s the story behind Subhash Chandra Bose and Hitler secret Indian army? In the closing stages of World War II, as Allied and French resistance forces were driving Hitler’s now demoralized forces from France, three senior German officers defected. Legionnaires were recruited from German POW camps The information they gave British intelligence was considered so sensitive that in 1945 it …
Read More »क्यों फटते हैं बादल: Why do clouds burst?
क्यों फटते हैं बादल: रिमझिम बारिश में भीगना और बारिश के पानी में कागज की नावें तैराना किसे अच्छा नहीं लगता। बारिश हमारी धरती और पर्यावरण को पानी का आपूर्ति ही नहीं करती, यह मानव, पशु-पक्षियों और पेड़ पौधों के लिए फायदेमंद भी है। लेकिन कभी-कभी यही बारिश विकराल रूप धारण कर लेती है तथा चारों ओर तबाही का कारण …
Read More »Who was the Army Nurse who won fame by writing books for girls?
Her name was Louisa May Alcott. She was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania, on November 29, 1832, the daughter of Amos Bronson Alcott, a struggling educationalist who could obviously have profited by a little education himself in a few financial matters. Louisa became an army nurse during the American Civil War and in 1863 her book Hospital Sketches, a record of …
Read More »What is the selection criteria of National Bravery Award on Republic Day?
What is the selection criteria of National Bravery Award on Republic Day? The selection for the award are made from the applications received from sources like the central / state government departments, Panchayats, Zilla Parishads (district level Government bodies), school authorities as well as state and Union territory councils for child welfare. National Bravery Award Selection Criteria: National Bravery Award …
Read More »How is Republic Day celebrated in India?
It is one of the national holidays of India. The republic day of India is on January 26. the main center of celebration is New Delhi. A prominent ruler from a foreign country is invited for the ceremony as chief guest. A very nice procession along with military parade is the attraction of the day. Soldiers are awarded for their …
Read More »Why is Winston Churchill’s speech known as the ‘Iron Curtain speech’?
In the “Iron Curtain speech” Winston Churchill drew attention to the fundamental split in Europe between the Eastern Bloc and the West, though at that stage (March 1946) there were no formal alliances. He had a fear of another world war that involves fighting against the communist regime and that the so called iron curtain is blocking some of the …
Read More »Are elephants afraid of mice? Education & Reference Q&A
Although you may have seen many cartoons and films which show elephants being terrified by tiny mice, in reality elephants pay as little attention to mice, which often scuttle around their feet, as you would pay a sparrow in your garden or in the street. Many people believe that the elephant would be afraid of the mouse because it is …
Read More »Why is there a dodo in Alice in Wonderland?
When Lewis Carroll wrote Alice In Wonderland, he introduced the nicknames of some of his friends The Lory was young Lorina Liddell, the sister of Alice on whom Carroll based his look. The Eaglet was Alice’s other sister Edith. As for the Dodo, this was Carroll himself. Lewis Carroll was born January 27, 1832. In 1861, he decided to enter …
Read More »Why is the countdown so important while launching a rocket?
A countdown is loudly counting in reverse from 10 to 1, prior to an event. In a rocket launch, a countdown is a carefully devised set of procedures ending with the ignition of a rocket engine, which starts 72 to 96 hours prior to its launch time. During the countdown, step-by-step procedures like placing the vehicle at the launch site, …
Read More »Why do some countries control the entry of animals?
In several countries, people cannot bring in animals freely from abroad. Any animal that does arrive must go into quarantine and spend several months in a cage before being allowed to mix freely with other animals and people. There is a very good reason for this law. It is to prevent the spread of a terrible disease called rabies. People …
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