Back-door financing, an American concept, is the practice of governmental borrowing from the US treasury over and above legislature-approved budgeted expenses. The government resorts to this form of financing to meet unforeseen expenses arising out of events such as natural calamities.
Read More »What is Assumption Day?
Assumption Day is, according to the Roman Catholic church, the day on which the Blessed Virgin Mary was, along with her body and soul, accepted (or ‘assumed’) in heaven. It is usually celebrated on August 15 by Roman Catholics. In some parts of the world, it is a public holiday; in some parts it is a day of solemnity and …
Read More »What is Ash Wednesday?
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. The name comes from the tradition of putting a small cross of ash on peoples forehead at Ash Wednesday church services. This is a sign of confession and helps people to remember that they rely on God for forgiveness from their sins. It is still done in some churches on today. The …
Read More »What is Aryan theory?
The Aryan theory, propounded by Max Mueller in the 19th century and linguist William Jones, states that Aryans were a class of fair-skinned, agrarian noblemen who came from Central Asia to inhabit India after the Indus Valley period. They destroyed the Indus Valley civilization and settled in India, and also composed the Vedas. However, this theory, also called the Aryan …
Read More »What is Arya Samaj?
Arya Samaj is a Hindu reform movement founded by Swami Dayananda on 10 April 1875. He was a sannyasi who believed in the infallible authority of the Vedas. Dayananda emphasized the ideals of brahmacharya (chastity). There are 3 – 4 million followers of Arya Samaj worldwide.
Read More »What is area 51?
Area 51, also known as Groom Lake, is an isolated site that is said to be a place where a UFO cover-up by the U. S. government is happening. It is a 6×10 mile block of land located at about 90 miles north of Las Vegas, Nevada. Inside this top secret military base, various towers, vast runways and buildings are …
Read More »What is anti-dumping duty?
If any company exports a product at a price lower than what it normally charges in its home market, then it is dumping the product. Opinions differ as to whether or not this is unfair competition, but many countries take action against dumping by imposing anti-dumping duty. Thus, anti-dumping duty is an extra import duty on a particular product from …
Read More »What is anthropophagy?
Anthropophagy means cannibalism – the practice of human beings eating other human beings. The word is a combination of Greek words: anthropos meaning human being, and phagein meaning to eat. Cannibalism might involve eating other humans after killing them intentionally or eating body parts of those whose death has occurred due to other causes. The practice of eating humans of …
Read More »What is an omnibus bill?
Although omnibus bills have become an increasingly popular way to pass legislation in the US Congress, critics say the bills contain numerous government measures that receive little debate. An omnibus bill, from the Latin “omnibus” meaning “for everything,” is a single document that is accepted in a single vote by a legislature but packs together diverse subjects into a single …
Read More »What is an ISBN number?
There are hundreds of thousands of publishers across the world, and millions of books get printed every year. Moreover, a book like The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a book that has been printed by several publishers. This makes the task of identifying a book very difficult. To overcome the problem of identifying books, publishers have came up with a …
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