Humans spend about eight hours in every twenty-four hours asleep. Cats sleep a great deal longer than that. They spend sixteen out of every twenty-four hours asleep-they are awake for only one-third of their lives.
Read More »How much does a tiger eat?
Tigers have very big appetites indeed. A full-grown tiger may eat as much as one fifth of its own body weight at one sitting. If a man of 76 kg (12 stone) were try to eat an equivalent amount, he would need to consume a might 15 kg (2½ stone) meal at one sitting.
Read More »How many venomous snakes are there?
Of the 3,000 species of snakes, only about 300 of them are venomous.
Read More »How many venomous fish are there?
There are about 250 species of venomous fish. The most venomous is probably the stonefish. Stonefish are very well camouflaged. If you accidentally step on one, the venomous spines on the back and sides of the stonefish will inject venom and cause severe pain, illness, and perhaps death.
Read More »How many types of wines are produced all over the world?
There is an endless variety of wines. Wines of all types can be classified by either the primary grape variety or the region where the grapes are grown. Even within types of wines, there is a great variety of flavour and texture because the climate varies in different regions. The two major categories are red and white. The red colour …
Read More »How many people live in the world?
In 1994, the population of the world was over five and a half billion. In the year2020, scientists estimate close to 8 billion. In that same year, China’s population will probably grow to almost one and a half billion, about one fifth of all the people in the world
Read More »How many legs has a centipede?
Centipede means ‘hundred legged’ but not many centipedes actually have as many as this. Some have as few as 15 pairs, others have as many as 173 pairs, but most sorts have about 35 pairs. Centipedes and millipedes form a small group of arthropods adapted for life on the land. With all these legs they run very quickly and although …
Read More »How many feathers does a bird have?
The swan has over 25,000 feathers on its body, providing it with good, year-round insulation in cold northern climates. The larger the bird, the greater the number of feathers it has. Small songbirds like sparrows and thrushes have between 1,500 and 3,500 feathers on their bodies. In fact, smaller birds have more feathers per square centimeter than larger birds because …
Read More »How long is the woodpecker’s tongue?
Drilling the bark of trees with a chisel-like bill, the woodpecker exposes the tunnels of wood-boring insect larvae. It flicks in its tongue (up to 6 inches long in the Green Woodpecker) and stabs the grubs with the barbed tip to withdraw them.
Read More »How long have humans engaged in Cosmology?
The first opinion of our universe were put forward by ancient astronomers in about 2200 BC – AD 1200. The astronomers who recorded observations were from Babylon, China, India, Italy, Greece and Egypt. They didn’t used sophisticated instruments to make observations.
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