Some liquids will burn because when their molecules mix with the oxygen in the air the mixture becomes combustible. The application of heat promotes the necessary chemical reaction to put the molecules into more violent motion, so that they collide at high speed. The jolt loosens the bonds and makes it easier for the molecules to rearrange themselves and escape …
Read More »Why do some acids burn?
Some acids burn because they have a strong tendency to absorb water, giving out a great deal of heat in the process. Since most living cells contain water the strong acids, react with them and kill the cells, causing very serious burns. These three acids, as well as others such as perchloric acid and benzine sulphuric acid are called mineral …
Read More »Why do soldiers wear khaki?
Soldiers wear khaki for camouflage, of course, to ensure that they blend with their background and make them less easily spotted by their enemies. In early times camouflage was not so important to soldiers; fighting at that time was usually hand to hand, and distinctive uniforms were necessary so that the combatants could discriminate between friend and foe. The uniforms …
Read More »Why Do Plants Bear Fruit?
Do you like fruits? Have you ever wondered why plants produce fruits? Is it only because nature wants you to enjoy eating its fruits and sing its praises? The answer is no. Plants are much smarter than what you think they are. They actually use human beings, animals and birds who eat their fruits to propagate their kind. In other …
Read More »Why do people sweat when they are frightened?
May be because due to fear of something our body gets heated either due to increase in over all blood pressure or increased flow of blood into necessary parts of our body. So to cool down our body we starts sweating. Its a natural way of human body to maintain the body temperature into a specific buffer zone.
Read More »Why do people study cybernetics?
People study cybernetics to gain knowledge with which to improve mechanical things. Cybernetics is the scientific study of automatic control and communication in the functions of animals and in mechanical and electrical systems. It is chiefly concerned with physiological and psychological mechanics of animal behaviour. These methods have been used in deciphering garbled messages, in anti-aircraft gunnery, in constructing artificial …
Read More »Why do people snore?
It is Uvula (OOV-YOU-LA), a small piece of flesh at the back of the throat that hangs down from the roof of the mouth. Sometimes we take air from lungs and this makes uvula to vibrate and that’s the snoring sound. It happens most often when we breathe through our mouth.
Read More »Why do people have hair?
Like all other mammals, human beings have hair on their bodies. The chief job of this hair is to retain the body’s heat, so that we do not die of cold. A man grows hair on his face and not so much on the top of his head, while a woman has more hair on her head and far less …
Read More »Why do passengers board, alight an aircraft only from the left?
The hold doors are on the right, so with the baggage being loaded/unloaded and re-fuelling taking place, it would be pretty crowded and dangerous. Also on older aircraft, the forward right hand doors were actually designated service doors and emergency exits only. Besides, the left side of the aircraft is where the pilot sits, with the co-pilot in the right-hand …
Read More »Why do particles and anti-particles, when they come in contact, annihilate each other?
For sub-atomic particles like electrons and protons, there exist corresponding particles with the same mass but opposite electrical and magnetic characteristics. For example, the electron’s anti-particle, positron, possesses the same mass as the electron, but carries a positive charge. The anti-particles are produced naturally in radioactive decay. In the universe, the number of regular subatomic particles and anti-particles is not …
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