This is an infections disease most prevalent among children but which is relatively uncommon now a days. There is a rash on the face and body, accompanied by fever. The rash flakes off after a few days. The principal treatment is penicillin. As with many infectious diseases, once a patient has recovered from scarlet fever he or she is normally …
Read More »What is scalar energy? What are scalar pendants?
Electromagnetic waves which exist only in the vacuum of empty space constitute an ocean of infinite energy called scalar energy. These new waves of energy are called “longitudinal” EM (electromagnetism) to distinguish them from “transverse” EM. Scalar energy was first announced by Thomas E Bearden. However, his ideas have received no noteworthy support in the scientific community. A scalar pendant …
Read More »What is sanskrit?
Sanskrit is the name given to ancient classical language of the Hindu inhabitants of India. It was introduced into India probably about 1500 B.C. and was for a time the spoken language as well as the literary language. The sacred Hindu books – the Vedas – were written in Old Sanskrit, but the name really apply only to the form …
Read More »What is safety glass?
Safety glass is that has been strengthened. there are two kinds of this protective glass laminated and toughened and both were discovered by accident. In the early 1900s Edouard Benedictus, a French chemist, knocked a glass flask on to the floor. Although the glass starred and cracked, it did not break. After examining the flask he realized that a coating …
Read More »What is Riemann Hypothesis?
Riemann Hypothesis is an important result in Mathematics whose truth or otherwise is not yet known. It asserts that an important function (called Riemann Zeta function) takes the value zero only along a certain line in the right half of the complex plane. This was conjectured by the German mathematician Gerhard Riemann in 1859 and, in spite of efforts by …
Read More »What is rhinology?
Rhinology is the study of the nose, including the sinuses, and concerns itself with medical and surgical diseases of the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses. It is becoming more important after the introduction of nasal endoscopes. A rhinologist is a specialist otolaryngologist (an ENT specialist). Rhinology was practised as early as 4000 BC – there is an inscription on the …
Read More »What is Rhesus?
It is a blood group. People whose blood contains this group are referred to as being Rhesus positive. Those who lack it are called Rhesus negative.
Read More »What is Raman Scattering?
Raman Scattering or Raman Effect is the inelastic scattering of a photon. This was first reported by CV Raman for which he was awarded the Nobel prize in 1930. When light is scattered from an atom or a molecule, most photons scatter elastically. However, a small fraction (1 in a million) is scattered inelastically. The frequency of these photons changes, …
Read More »What is radar used for?
Radar, or radio location, as it was called in the early days, is the use of radio waves to find the whereabouts of aircraft or ships. Electromagnetic waves, which include radio and light waves, all travel at the same speed. When small bursts of radio waves, fired into space from a transmitter, strike an object such as an aircraft some …
Read More »What is quasi-resonance?
A ‘quasi-resonant’ DC to DC converter with zero-current and zero-voltage switching includes a transformer with primary and secondary windings, and periodic switching means connected in series with the primary winding. The topology of the converter is determined by selecting an input capacitor with a capacitance much lower than the output capacitor.
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