The Webby Awards honour websites on the internet. The awards were first given away in 1996 by the now defunct magazine ‘The Web’. Private investors now own the award. A Webby tradition is that the acceptance speech of the winner shouldn’t exceed five words.
Read More »What are Google Groups?
Google groups are online communities whose interaction is facilitated by Google, which has revolutionized the world of networking. This facility helps people who share common interests to form groups. Google offers access to the happenings and calendars of these networking groups from across the world. The groups are split broadly into art and entertainment, university, computer, home, news, business, recreation …
Read More »What are Codd’s Rules?
Codd’s Rules that are 12 in number specify what a database must support in order to be relational. The rules were defined by Edgar F Codd in a paper published in 1985. Hence, they are known as Codd’s Rules. For example, data are represented only one way; as values within columns and rows. Every value can be assessed by providing …
Read More »What are applets?
An applet is a little application. Prior to the World Wide Web, the built-in writing and drawing programmes that came with Windows were sometimes called applets. On the Web, using Java language, an applet is a small programme that can be sent along with a Web page to a user. Java applets can perform interactive animations, immediate calculations, or other …
Read More »How to protect your Facebook, Twitter account?
Security experts say passwords for more than 2 million Facebook, Google and other accounts have been compromised and circulated online, just the latest example of breaches involving leading Internet companies. Some services including Twitter have responded by disabling the affected passwords. But there are several things you can do to minimize further threats – even if your account isn’t among …
Read More »How to make Flash files?
Mix-FX comes to your rescue. This simple-to-use Flash animation program lets you create absolutely stunning Flash text effects and Flash animation effects and Flash buttons in just seconds. What is Mix-FX? It’s a Flash text, button and background effect animator. With Mix-FX, you can create hundreds of different Flash animations. Change sizes and colors and you have millions of possibilities! …
Read More »How much data does the Internet contain?
Estimating the data the Internet contains is complicated because: 1. The Internet is not a single computer or a single network, but a network of networks, whose size is constantly changing 2. Not all data stored on these networks are necessarily accessible to all users. However, there are a few estimates. According to one, the quantity is approximately equal to …
Read More »How is the data of emails stored on servers? What is their capacity and where are they located?
An e-mail system consists of two different servers running on a machine. One is called the SMTP server, where SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. The SMTP server handles outgoing mail. The other is either a POP3 server or an IMAP server, both of which handle incoming mail. POP stands for Post Office Protocol and IMAP stands for Internet …
Read More »How does a computer or laptop keep track of time even when it is switched off?
A desktop PC has a lithium cell or battery (the same is used in digital diaries) called a BIOS cell inside the CPU, and attached to the motherboard, which keeps track of time even after the computer is powered down, whereas in laptops, the battery of the laptop itself is used to keep track of time. This battery also saves …
Read More »Who is Warren Buffett?
Warren Edward Buffett (born August 30, 1930) is an American investor, industrialist and philanthropist. He is widely regarded as one of the most successful investors in the world. Often called the “legendary investor, Warren Buffett”, he is the primary shareholder, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. He is consistently ranked among the world’s wealthiest people. He was ranked as the …
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