A whirlpool is a large, swirling body of water produced by ocean tides. When flowing water hits any kind of barrier, it twists away and spins around rapidly with great force. This creates a whirlpool. Whirlpools can occur in a small area where a piece of land juts out into a river, causing the water to swirl around. They can …
Read More »How are snakes charmed?
There is a lot of misunderstanding about this, and most of it is deliberately caused. Snake charmers would like us to believe that the snake is bewitched by the beautiful music they play on their pipes. The snake sways and dances to the music while the charmer taps his foot on the ground in time with the rhythm – and …
Read More »How are deemed universities different from others?
Ordinary universities are officially approved by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of India as per the latter’s guidelines for the universities’ overall supervision and administration. ‘Deemed university’ is a term indicative of status of autonomy granted to high performing institutes and departments of various universities. Such status enables deemed universities not only full autonomy in setting course work, syllabus and …
Read More »How are coral reefs formed?
There are three types of coral reef: fringing reefs grow close to the shore in shallow water; barrier reefs grow parallel to the shore but are separated from it by a deep channel which may be several miles wide; and atolls which are circular islands of coral enclosing a lagoon, often hundreds of miles from any other land. There are …
Read More »How ‘real’ is reality TV?
Across the globe, reality TV has always been a subject of controversy. Critics say that these shows usually portray a modified and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in abnormal situations and sometimes even being coached to act in certain ways. The events are usually edited and other production processes mould them to present them different from the …
Read More »Gardens in the air
About 600 B.C., King Nebuchadnezzar built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon-one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Series of terraces were raised on a square base with sides about 120 metres long. One above the other, and narrower at the back than the front, these formed a sort of pyaramid. Stone beams and pillars were used and the floors …
Read More »Does the abominable snowman exist?
Legend has it that a huge, hairy man-like creature lives in the high frozen wastes of the Himalayan mountains. The native Tibetans called it the Yeti, and many of them claim to have seen it. It is even thought by some people to be a sort of ‘missing link’ between man and the apes. Evidence? In one of the temples …
Read More »Does a Boa Constrictor crush its prey?
The boas and pythons are gaint constricting snakes. Many people imagine this means they coil themselves around their prey, and squeeze and squeeze until the victim is crushed to death. This is, in fact, not so. A Boa constrictor, or any other Boa or python, strikes at its prey with an open mouth. Backward-pointing teeth grip the animal while the …
Read More »Do you believe that non-Muslims go to heaven?
Yes, God does assure us that there are believers destined for heaven in all different groups. The words Islam and Muslim are more than just a name. They are a description of performing total devotion to God alone. The equivalent English word for Islam is Submission, which is practiced by a Submitter to God alone. There are submitters who are …
Read More »Do sloths sleep all the time?
When we describe someone as being slothful, we mean that they are lazy and sleepy. But does the sloth really live up to this name? Is it as lazy as the term suggests? I’m afraid that the answer is yes, although it would be unfair to say that the sloth sleeps all the time. The main characteristic of sloth is …
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