The Sikh scripture, Guru Granth Sahib, makes references to demons mentioned in Vedic legends primarily for illustrative purposes. There is no belief system in Sikhism which focuses on demons or devils. Sikh teachings center on ego and its effect on the soul. Indulging in unbridled egoism may render a soul subject to demonic influences and the realms of darkness which …
Read More »How many people are Sikhs in India?
Worldwide, there are 25,800,000 (25.8 million) Sikhs, but around 75% of Sikhs live in the Indian state of Punjab, where they are close to 59.9% of the population. Large communities of Sikhs live in the neighboring states, and large communities of Sikhs can be found across India. However, Sikhs are only about 2% of the Indian population.
Read More »What Do Sikhs Believe About the Afterlife?
Transmigration is a common theme in Sikhism. The soul travels through countless lifetimes in a perpetual cycle of birth and death. Each lifetime the soul is subject to the influences of past deeds, and is cast into existences within various realms of consciousness and planes of awareness. In Sikhism the concept of salvation and immortality is enlightenment and liberation from …
Read More »What Do Sikhs Believe About God and Creation?
Sikhs believe in one creator inseparable from creation. Part and participle of one another, the creator exists within creation pervading and permeating every aspect of all that is. The creator watches over and cares for creation. The way to experience God is through creation and by meditating inwardly on the divine characteristic of the manifest self which is in tune …
Read More »What is the name of present Guru of the Sikhs?
Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Guru Panth Khalsa Sri Guru Granth Sahib, or Adi Granth, is the holy scripture of Sikhism. It is the final and eternal Guru of the Sikhs. It is a voluminous text of 1430 angs, compiled and composed during the period of Sikh Gurus, from 1469 to 1708. It is a collection of hymns or shabad …
Read More »Why is the gurdwara so important to Sikhs?
To get guidance is one of the reasons they come into the presence of God by listening to and singing from the holy book. To be a part of a community is another reason they come to be in company of God’s people, of all different ages. Singing lessons and community. Activities will also be held in rooms at the …
Read More »What does Langar mean in Sikhism?
The Sikh Gurdwaras are not only places of worship but also the training center of service. Such service as sweeping the precincts, serving drinking water to the thirsty, fanning the congregation in hot weather and serving food to the hungry have always formed an integral part of the factions in a Sikh shrine. Of these, Langar is perhaps the most …
Read More »Who founded Sikhism and when?
Sikhism began around 1500 A.D, in the northern part of ancient Punjab, which is now part of Pakistan. It originated with the teachings of Guru Nanak who rejected the philosophies of the Hindu society that he grew up in. Refusing to participate in Hindu rites, he argued against the caste system and preached equality of mankind. Denouncing the worship of …
Read More »गणेश चतुर्थी उत्सव का आरंभ कब और कैसे हुआ
गणेश चतुर्थी उत्सव का आरंभ: अष्टसिद्धि दायक गणपति सुख-समृद्धि, यश-एेश्वर्य, वैभव, संकट नाशक, शत्रु नाशक, रिद्धि-सिद्धि दायक, ऋणहर्ता, विद्या-बुद्धि-ज्ञान तथा विवेक के प्रतीक माने जाते हैं। शिव पुराण के अनुसार गणेशावतार भाद्रपद के कृष्णपक्ष की चतुर्थी के दिवस पर हुआ था। शिव – पार्वती ने उन्हें अपनी परिक्रमा लगाने से प्रसन्न होकर सर्वप्रथम पूजे जाने का आशीष दिया था जो …
Read More »How does a spider create its web?
A spider’s web is made of liquid secreted from its abdomen. It solidifies into fine threads after coming into contact with air. Some threads are sticky, others are soft. The sticky threads are meant for trapping prey. Funny Logics Much in the same way as Bill Gates creates his. By choosing a suitable website.
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