Social Science Questions & Answers

Social Science Questions & Answers

When will sharks attack a human being?

Some sharks may attack human beings if attracted by under water noises, erratic swimming, the presence of a large number of bathers, or the glint of jewellery or some other article. But probably the greatest provocation to a shark is the presence of blood, for instance from a speared fish or live bait. Sharks are most likely to attack during …

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When were the American bison almost wiped out?

The American bison were near to extinction by 1990, although they numbered more than 60 million when the white man first arrived in their feeding grounds. Buffalo, as the bison were commonly called, were the prime essential of the Plains Indian’s economy. The powerful animal’s meat, bones, and hide provided the Indians with food, medicine, clothing and shelter. At first …

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When was the first wristwatch made?

The exact time the first wristwatch appeared is not known. But soon after the beginning of the 20th Century women’s small pocket watches began to be fitted into specially made leather or gold adapters to be worn on the wrist. They were immediately successful, and then popularity rapidly increased in the First World War because they could be consulted without …

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When was kindergarten started?

The first kindergarten was started by German educator Friedrich Froebel in 1837 in Blankenburg, Prussia. Froebel chose the German term kindergarten because he intended children in his school to grow as freely as flowers in a garden. Froebel based his educational philosophy on a belief in the innate creativity of children. His kindergarten stressed that children should spend part of …

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When was chess first played as an international game?

Chess was played in 1851 in London as an international tournament. The tournament was conceived and organised by English player Howard Staunton, and marked the first time that the best chess players in Europe met in a single event. German Adolf Andersson won the 16-player tournament, earning him the title of the Best Player in Europe.

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When was billiards first played?

Though the origin of billiards is lost in history, an account by Greek traveller Anacharsis suggests that a rudimentary version was played by Egyptians around 400 BC. This form was adopted by the Greeks. The word ‘billiard’ has its roots in the French words ‘billart’ meaning stick, and ‘bille’ meaning ball. In 1470, the first billiards table was found among …

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When does the male stickleback turn red?

The male stickleback’s belly turns red at the start of the breeding season in spring. Normally the belly of this small fish is silver-colored, the rest of it varying from brown to green. But when the time comes for him to mate he becomes very active in attracting females with his bright new color. In building the home and rearing …

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When does pollution kill a river?

A river will die when pollution reaches such a level that all the available oxygen is absorbed. This can happen if the oxygen is used up by presence in the water of an excessive number of waste organisms. Large amounts of nitrogen or phosphorus make a river’s oxygen-producing plants grow so rapidly that they become over-crowded and die of exhaustion. …

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