Very often, women embarking on their first pregnancy are plagued with fears of the unknown. This is a first person account of a pregnant woman, anxious, eager and yet vulnerable. Last year, while holidaying in Europe, I conceived my first baby. I was not overjoyed, perhaps because both my husband and I, married for only six months, were not yet …
Read More »Becoming A Foster Parent
Society and civilization are the two pillars that have made man a social animal. They have instilled humane emotions into mankind, that commonly do not exist in the wild, untamed animals. Man is capable of understanding a fellow human being’s pain. Foster care is one such outcome, that has promoted families to undertake child care, of the children who have …
Read More »Allow Strong Feelings Time to Cool Off
When children come to you in a state of embarrassment or anxiety, don’t confront them with their feelings immediately. It’s better to spend time together in a gentle way until they regain their sense of self. Only when a climate of loving and caring has been clearly established are they usually ready to begin facing their strong emotions. Sometimes embarrassment …
Read More »Be Firm, But Friendly
The Generation of children that we are raising now is much more aware, exposed to the world and independent-minded than the previous ones. One can not expect blind obedience from children just because an order has been issued. Nevertheless it is the parents’ responsibility to teach their child right from wrong, to help mould her nature so that she grows …
Read More »Appendicitis
The most common ailment requiring emergency abdominal operation in childhood, appendicitis is caused by the inflammation of the appendix. The appendix is a small blind-ended tube attached to the large intestine. Its inflammation happens gradually, like the formation of a boil. The inflamed appendix could burst, spreading the infection all over the abdomen. If this process is happening at a …
Read More »Adult Children Moving Back Home
– Just when all of your kids have moved out and you and your spouse are still in your ‘honeymoon’ period enjoying privacy that had been sacrificed for years, one of your adult children rebound back to home for some reason such as financial problem or an emotional struggle, where they need a refuge and their parents for love and …
Read More »बच्चों की मनमानी – पेरेंट्स की परेशानी
बच्चे हैं, गलतियां भी करेंगे और शरारतें भी। पेरैंट्स अपने बच्चों को बड़े लाड-दुलार से पालते हैं जो उनकी परवरिश के लिए सही भी है। कभी-कभी यही लाडलापन आपके बच्चों के लिए मुश्किलें भी खड़ी कर सकता है क्योंकि हद से ज्यादा प्यार बच्चों को जिद्दी बना सकता है। दूसरी तरफ अगर बच्चों पर सख्ती की जाए तब भी वे …
Read More »Be Prepared to Teach Liking
A primary need low self-esteemers have is to feel their own sense of self. Once they begin to like themselves, then interest in academics, relationships, and other social skills will follow. As a tutor, the first stage of my work with children was not to teach reading or spelling, but to focus on liking. I tried to invite them to …
Read More »बच्चों को सिखाएं व्यवहारिक बातें
बच्चे को फर्स्ट एड की ट्रेनिंग दिलाना बहुत जरूरी है, क्योंकि एमरजैंसी आने पर वह डाक्टरी उपचार पहुंचने से पहले ही अपनी या दूसरों की मदद कर सकता है। बच्चों को केवल किताबी ज्ञान से अवगत कराना ही काफी नहीं हैं। वह हाई मार्क्स लेकर बड़ी डिग्री हासिल करे यही काफी नहीं हैं, बल्कि उसे जीवन में आगे बढने के …
Read More »Balanced Diet
You often hear the phrase ‘balanced diet’ and its advantages, particularly for pregnant mothers and growing children. What does this mean? It only means that you should have a good balance of body-building proteins, energy-giving carbohydrates and fats, enough of minerals like iron and calcium, and all the vitamins. You do not have to be a dietitian to balance your …
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