हर मां-बाप चाहते हैं कि उनका बच्चा पढ़ाई-लिखाई में अच्छे नंबर लाए। पर अगर आपका बच्चा अच्छे नंबर नहीं ला पाता तो अापके अपने बच्चों का डाटना नहीं चाहिएं। एेसा करने से वह सोचते है कि वह अकेले है अौर वच्चें अपना आत्मविश्वास खो देते है। बच्चे हमेशा वही करते हैं जो अाप उनके सामने करते या फिर बोलते हैं। …
Read More »Have No Unspoken Expectations
Expectations can sometimes evoke energy and excitement when you and the child share them openly and willingly. On the other hand, expectations can be a source of confusion and anxiety in children when they remain unstated or presumed. Furthermore, expectations, stated or unstated, often get in the way of certain kinds of creative success in children. I find it helpful …
Read More »Your toddler is already a tech pro: Study
Babies as young as two-year-olds are adept at using touch screens, and can swipe, unlock and actively search for features on smartphones and tablets, a new study has found. This level of interactivity is akin to play, the researchers said, suggesting that the technology might have a potential role in childhood developmental assessment. They base their findings on 82 questionnaires …
Read More »कैसे बने ‘स्मार्ट’ माँ
आजकल की मार्डन लाइफ इतनी तेजी से चल रही है कि हर कोई इसी रफ्तार के साथ चलना चाहता है। अाज के बदलते समय में बच्चे स्मार्ट मॉम चाहते हैं। एक औरत की स्मार्टनेस उसके बच्चों के सही ढंग से लालन-पालन में है। बच्चों के आचार-व्यवहार पर टिकी उसकी स्मार्टनेस के कुछ गुण आपको भी सीख लें तो आप भी …
Read More »Your Grandpa Uses His Brain Better Than You
Debunking earlier theories that our brains go into a steady decline as we age, researchers have found that the human brain works slower in old age but only because it has stored more information over time. “If you think linguistic skill involves something like being able to choose one word given another, younger adults seem to do better in this …
Read More »Use Humor in Building Relationships
Relationship encounters are usually more inviting if children expect they’re going to be fun, and maybe even funny. Using humor effectively requires paying special attention to the relationship. In order to be humorous, you can’t merely superficially attend to a child, you must be very present to the nuances of the interaction. Humor is often based on a special awareness …
Read More »When Should Bed Wetting Be Considered Abnormal?
Children sleep more deeply and soundly than grown-ups and do not wake up with the signals from a full bladder; so they wet their beds even though they may be dry by day. Between two and three years, the sleep becomes lighter and the child wakes up and expresses the need to pass urine and does so only on waking …
Read More »When Children Start Lying
It’s always a surprise for any parent to suddenly realize that their child has been lying to them. Reactions vary from anger, disbelief and sorrow to be wilderment. Actually, it is best to deal with it undue importance or ignoring it completely. All children, when young, cannot distinguish between reality and fantasy. For them everything is real. It is up …
Read More »When A Child Steals
Suddenly confronting the fact that your child has been stealing is a painful shock for parents. In such situations, parents needs to act with sensitivity to understand the reason behind their child’s behavior and then take action. Most young children cannot differentiate between mine and yours. when they want something, they don’t think about whom it belong to, they may …
Read More »What Foods And How Much?
When you are pregnant it is very important to eat regular, well-balanced meals as the food you eat provides nutrition to your baby. While tablets can make up for some deficiencies in a pregnant woman’s diet, the best way to get adequate protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron and vitamin C for your baby is to eat …
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