There are a number of options as to how you wish to color your egg. Here are some ideas:
- Sponge painting: You can use natural sponge to paint your Easter egg with acrylic paints.
- Easter egg coloring kit: Buy an Easter egg coloring kit having materials like stickers and holders to help you color Easter eggs.
- Marbled Easter egg: Put one tablespoon each of food coloring, vinegar and oil in a mug containing enough water to cover an egg. Dip a hard-boiled egg into the mixture and take it out immediately. Pat it dry with a paper towel for a marbled effect.
- Collage: Paste various types of colored material on your Easter egg such as ribbons, glitters, beads, stickers, sequins, buttons, fabric scraps, tissue paper, and colored paper and so on.
- Egg painting: Undiluted food coloring or acrylic paints can be used to paint hard boiled eggs. Do not eat painted eggs.
- Dye your Easter egg: Use food color dye or make your own natural dye at home to dye your Easter egg. You can use your own imagination and creativity for dyeing the Easter Egg in a creative way. You can put to use a number of natural elements for making dyes that will be easily available at home such as, beets, onion skins, blueberries, brewed coffee, turmeric, carrots, lemon peels, apple peels, etc. Some suggestions are given below to make your dyed Easter egg more interesting and fun.
- Easter egg designs using rubber bands: Put rubber bands on your Easter egg before dyeing. It will create interesting patterns on the egg.
- Waxing eggs: Drip wax from a candle onto the Easter egg in various shapes. Put the egg in a dye after the wax sets. You can scrap off the wax for another dye or keep it as it is.
- Using crayons on Easter eggs: Children can draw on Easter eggs using crayons. You can even make designs on the egg with crayons and when you dip it in a dye, the crayon coated area will not catch any color but the non-coated area would. Thus you will finally get interesting patterns on your egg.
- Masking tapes: Put masking tapes on the egg before dyeing. After dyeing if the taped portion is exposed, you will get interesting designs.