New Year Poems For Students & Children

New Year Poems For Students and Children

Inspirational New Year Poems

New Year is a special occasion that marks the end of 365 days. As the passing year comes to an end, some of us are filled with fond memories, while others thank god for the conclusion of a year that was full of troubles and pain. In the latter case, the testing times leave them exhausted and there is definitely a need to regain the lost hope and boost up the confidence, to celebrate afresh the New Year. The hurt and pain needs to be addressed and people need to come out of their dilemmas successfully. What better way to do this than by singing some inspiration New Year poems. Such inspiring poetry will motivate them to forget the past and start with a new dream once again.

Inspirational Poems For New Year

I’m Alive, I Believe In Everything

I’m Alive, I Believe In Everything
Self, Brotherhood, God, Zeus, Communism
Capitalism. Buddha. Vinyl records.
Baseball. Ink. Trees. Cures for disease.
Saltwater. Literature. Walking. Waking.
Arguments. Decisions. Ambiguity. Absolutes.
Presence. Absence. Positive and Negative.
Empathy. Apathy. Sympathy and Entropy.
Verbs are necessary. So are nouns.
Empty skies. Dark vacuums of night.
Visions. Revisions. Innocence.
I’ve seen All the empty spaces yet to be filled.
I’ve heard All of the sounds that will collect
At the end of the world.
And the silence that follows.

I’m alive, I believe in everything
I’m alive, I believe in it all.

Waves lapping on the shore.
Skies on fire at sunset.
Old men dancing on the streets.
Paradox and possibility.
Sense and sensibility.
Cold logic and half truth.
Final steps and first impressions.
Fools and fine intelligence.
Chaos and clean horizons.
Vague notions and concrete certainty.
Optimism in the face of adversity.

I’m alive, I believe in everything
I’m alive, I believe in it all.

~Lesley Choyce

Wake up. Day calls you

Wake up. Day calls you
To your life: your duty.
And to live, nothing more.
Root it out of the glum
Night and the darkness
That covered your body
For which light waited
On tiptoe in the dawn.
Stand up, affirm the straight
Simple will to be
A pure slender virgin.
Test your bodys metal.
Cold, heat? Your blood
Will tell against the snow,
Or behind the window.
The colour
In your cheeks will tell.
And look at people. Rest
Doing no more than adding
Your perfection to another
Day. Your task
Is to carry your life high,
And play with it, hurl it
Like a voice to the clouds
So it may retrieve the light
Already gone from us.
That is your fate: to live
Do nothing.
Your work is you, nothing more.

~ Pedro Salinas 


Your dream is
Your direction,
Your motivation
Your inspiration.

Decide on a dream today,
Nothing will inspire you
In quite the same way.

A dream is the only true adventure ,
When you have a dream
You swim the rivers of pleasure.

Choose a dream do it now,
When you have a dream
You have go power.

Great things happen,
To people who
Make them happen.

When you have a dream
Your on a roll,
Because your working
Towards a goal.

When you have a dream
You are rich,
Without a dream people perish.

Onto your dream forever hold,
And you’ll walk on
A carpet of gold.

Nothing comes from doing nothing,
We are never more happy
Than when we are doing something.

What you can dream
You can do,
There is always more in you.

He who dares wins
He who dares nothing,
Need not hope for anything.

Ideas are worthless without action,
Don’t procrastinate
Be a man of action.

Whatever you want to do
Begin it now,
Action has a magic power .

What’s the motto of a millionaire,
He who has begun
Is halfway there.

There’s something special
Here for you ,
At your dreams
Really do come true.

~ Anonymous 

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