New Year Poems For Students & Children

New Year Poems For Students and Children

Spiritual New Year Poems

New Year is the best time for the people who are spiritually connected and have firm belief that God is the one who has ultimate power. Their belief slowly becomes their faith and has a deep impact in their day to day chores and thought processes. Spirituality is often used as a synonym for religious writings; however it is more in context of connecting to the God. Spirituality is more of a feeling than a word. This feeling urges deep inside our heart and motivates to write a poem. Since the celebration is for New Year, the spiritual poems will also be based on the same theme. Read on to find some engaging religious poetry for New Year.

Spiritual Poems For New Year

Thank You For 2018

Thank You dear Lord for the
new year of 2018.
I pray that more folks will be saved
so they will go to Heaven.

Thank you dear Lord that 2018 rhymes
with Heaven, Your Glory Land.
A very nice rhyme it is
all according to Your plan.

Perhaps You will send Your Son
this year to call the saved in.
Everyone by Your precious Son’s
sacrifice has been forgiven every sin.

Friends, let’s look forward to the New Year
and get to know the Lord better.
It will keep us spiritually fit
in our hearts forever and ever.

Come all you faithful and bow before the Lord
let’s fill the pews.
For I know the Lord will give us all
more time to speak the Good News.

~ George Edward Noe

Turn to Him

When the frigid air of defeat
Whips at your back
Threatening to attack,
to bring you to your knees,

When the devil nips at your feet daily,
And the very breath in you
Is hard to breathe

Turn your face toward the sky.
Cry out for relief!
God saves his people.

And your ravaged spirit
Will be filled with a river
Of forgiveness
For all your sins,
Healing for all that is
Ragged and bruised within.

There is only one place
To seek renewal and a promise of safety.
A promise that can carry you
Through your darkest of days.

Seek your Lord,
The Savior who saves!

~ Sara from The Shores of My Dreams

The New Year

The New Year Dear Lord, as this new year is born
I give it to Thy hand,
Content to walk by faith what paths
I cannot understand.

Whatever coming days may bring
Of bitter loss, or gain,
Or every crown of happiness;
Should sorrow come, or pain,

Or, Lord, if all unknown to me
Thine angel hovers near
To bear me to that farther shore
Before another year,

It matters not-my hand in Thine,
Thy light upon my face,
Thy boundless strength when I am weak,
Thy love and saving grace!

I only ask, loose not my hand,
Grip fast my soul, and be
My guiding light upon the path
Till, blind no more, I see!

Martha Snell Nicholson 

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