Ram Aarti: Hindu Culture & Traditions

Ram Aarti: आरती श्री रामचन्द्रजी Hindu Culture & Traditions

Aarti refer to the song sung in praise of the deity. Aarti is performed and sung to develop the highest love for God. “Aa” means “towards or to”, and “rati” means “right or virtue” in Sanskrit language. In the other words, it is a song praising the virtues of the deity. Aarti is generally performed at the end of a puja or bhajan session. It is sung, as a part of the puja ceremony, on almost all Hindu ceremonies and occasions. While communal aarti is performed in the mandir; devotees also perform it individually, in their home. Hinduism has a long tradition of aarti songs and there are different aartis for different Hindu Gods. In this article we have listed the aarti of Lord Rama.

आरती श्री रामचन्द्रजी

श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन, हरण भवभय दारुणम्।
नव कंज लोचन, कंज मुख कर कंज पद कंजारुणम्॥
श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन

कन्दर्प अगणित अमित छवि, नव नील नीरद सुन्दरम्।
पट पीत मानहुं तड़ित रूचि-शुचि नौमि जनक सुतावरम्॥
श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन

भजु दीनबंधु दिनेश दानव दैत्य वंश निकन्दनम्।
रघुनन्द आनन्द कन्द कौशल चन्द्र दशरथ नन्द्नम्॥
श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन

सिर मुकुट कुंडल तिलक चारू उदारु अंग विभूषणम्।
आजानुभुज शर चाप-धर, संग्राम जित खरदूषणम्॥
श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन

इति वदति तुलसीदास, शंकर शेष मुनि मन रंजनम्।
मम ह्रदय कंज निवास कुरु, कामादि खल दल गंजनम्॥
श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन

मन जाहि राचेऊ मिलहि सो वर सहज सुन्दर सांवरो।
करुणा निधान सुजान शील सनेह जानत रावरो॥
श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन

एहि भांति गौरी असीस सुन सिय हित हिय हरषित अली।
तुलसी भवानिहि पूजी पुनि-पुनि मुदित मन मन्दिर चली॥
श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन

Ram Aarti

Shri Ramachandra kripalu bhaju man,
haran bhav bhai darunam.
Nav kanj lochan, kanj mukh,
kar kanj pad kanjarunam

Kandarp aganit amit chhavi,
Navvnil jiraj sundaram,
pat pit manahun tadit ruchi,
Suchi naumi Janakasutavaram.

Bhuj din bandu dinesh danav,
dusht dalan nikandanam,
Raghunand anand kand Kaushal,
chandra Dashrath nandanam.

Sir krit kundaltilak charu,
udar ang vibhushanam,
Ajanubhuj san-chap dhar,
sangramajit kharadushanam.

iti badit Tulasidas Shankar,
shesh muni man ranjanam,
Mam hridai kanj nivas kar,
kamadi khal dal bhanjanam.

Manujahi racheu milahi so bar sahaj sundarsanvaro,
Karuna nidhan sujan silu sanehu janat ravaro.
Ehi bhanti Gauri asis suni,
Siya sahit hiya harshin ali,

Tulsi bhavanihin puji-puni mudit man mandir chali.
Jani Gauri anukal,
Siya hiya harshu na jai kahi,
Manjul mangal mul,
bam ang pharkan lage.

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