Valentine’s Day Getaways: We have brought you a list of romantic getaway ideas and superb vacation destinations for this Valentine’s Day. Some of them may be just by the corner of your street or even in your own backyard, while some of the other ideas are more elaborate and you will need some big money and at least a week’s time to travel:
Valentine’s Day Getaways:
- Plan a second honeymoon at the same place, same hotel and same room where you went for your first honeymoon. You may get some extra complimentary services too. Go to the same sites and re-enact the events that had happened on your first honeymoon.
- Plan a random hippy drive for a mini-vacation. Ask your partner to pick a direction and number of miles for the first leg of the drive and then another one for the second leg of the drive. Just enjoy the scenery and togetherness during the drive and enjoy what comes in your way. Before starting off on the second leg the drive, pick the direction and number of miles beforehand. Eat anywhere and stay anywhere, where you may find a place. The whole idea is Not To Plan. Do not use the map until you have to return. You will be surprised by the excitement and thrill of the moment. If there is any problem, of course you can improvise to make the situation better.
- Many hotels and resorts offer romantic setting and special packages for Valentine’s Day that include the suite with a hot bubble bath, rose petals on bed, a complimentary bottle of Champagne with sparkling crystal glasses, strawberries and scented candles.
- Make a bonfire in your own backyard and have a special bar-be-cue party with soft music with your best friends.
- A night on a nearby beach or a stroll in a soft gentle trail, which is not overcrowded, is a perfect place for two in love on Valentine’s Day.
- A romantic cruise with wonderful island destinations and brief stay in log homes is absolutely fairy-tale like.
Most wonderful romantic views that you can share together are:
- From top of the Eiffel tower in Paris (France).
- Moonlit Beach in Goa, India.
- Niagara Falls from aboard the the Maid of the Mist.
- Sunrise in Sam Sand Dunes of Jaisalmer in Rajasthan, India.
- The canals of Venice, Italy, viewed from a gondola.
- The Caribbean Islands from the deck of a cruise ship.
- The Golden Gate Bridge at sunset.
- The Grand Canyon at sunrise.
- The moon rising over the Fiji Islands.
- The Pacific ocean from a Hawaiian hut.
- Views of River Ganges at 7 PM in Haridwar, India when the river sparkles with innumerable lit lamps floating in the river.