When is Parents Day: Fourth Sunday of July

When is Parents Day: Fourth Sunday of July

When is Parents Day: Doesn’t the term ‘Parents day‘ strike a tad odd to you, making you wonder why on earth should there be a day allotted to parents when the calendar already shows a full day earmarked separately for mothers and fathers? It will hardly be a surprise if it indeed does strike you as odd. The fact is, even though there were holidays for mothers’ day and fathers day, both commemorating their respective individual efforts in the upbringing of children at home and in society, there existed a deep void. While celebrating mothers day, the role of the mother was lionized while supposedly relegating the father’s role and while celebrating fathers’ day, it made mothers feel as if their role was being undermined. This is precisely the reason why the void existed, as there did not seem to be a day designed to celebrate and honor mom and dad together for the collective love and support that they brought up their children with. Ever since then, parents have heaved a sigh of relief as they both get to celebrate the day together and further their combined endeavors in reinforcing their dedicated support and care for their children.

Read on for more information if you are curious to know more on Parent’s day.

Parents Day Date:

Unlike so many other special days, Parent’s day was not the brainchild of someone. In the year 1994 the then president William Jefferson Clinton, popularly known as Bill Clinton, signed into law the resolution establishing the fourth Sunday of every July as Parent’s day, a day commemorating Parent’s collective role, akin to mothers’ day and fathers’ day. According to the congressional resolution, Parent’s day serves the purpose of “recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children”.

Parents have an imperative and indispensable role in starting a family, which brings with it a host of responsibilities and commitments. The family comprising the parents and children has remained the fundamental institution that sustains the child. This holds true for every culture and time period. However, over the past several decades, self-fulfillment and self-gratification have taken precedence over moral values. This goes against the very essence of parenthood as parenting involves unconditionally loving kids. As people increasingly turn to popular culture, the society grapples in the throes of family breakdowns, youth violence, and many other anomalies. This calls for a stock-taking of the kind of nurturing of children that parents are engaging in. This is another important reason for celebrating Parent’s day. It provides an opportunity to recognize and promote parenting as the integral function of families. Though this day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of July every year in the United States and many other countries, not all celebrate it on the same day.

  • Korea
    The Republic of Korea celebrates its annual Parent’s day on the eighth of May. This date was originally celebrated as mothers’ day which eventually got converted to Parent’s day. Though it is not a national holiday for Koreans, the celebrations are nonetheless fervent. Children pay tribute to their parents and even grandparents usually gifting them a carnation or a rose and singing a Parent’s day themed song. It is a special time for the people and the streets and squares exude a joyful look as children and young people try to help elderly people as a gesture of their reverential benevolence.
  • Vietnam
    People in Vietnam observe this particular day on the seventh of July every year. Children honor their parents by buying gifts, carnations and greeting cards for them. The celebrations are done with great zest and the younger ones enjoy making handmade greeting cards to express their love. Various activities are organized for the day and many kids try to cook meals for their parents to give them respite from their daily routine.

Parent’s day recognizes and honors the exemplary efforts and sacrifices of parents across the world. To make the day special for your parents this year, keep an eye on:

  • Parents Day 2021: Sunday July 25
  • Parents Day 2022: Sunday July 24
  • Parents Day 2023: Sunday July 23

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