Children's Day Facebook Covers

Children’s Day Facebook Covers For Kids: 14 November

Children’s Day Facebook Covers For Students: Children’s Day is to celebrate “childhood”. On Children’s Day tribute is paid to all children in the world. Children are loved by one and all. They win over our hearts with their angelic eyes and innocent smiles. It makes one realize that maybe that’s the way God wanted us to be. India‘s first prime minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, was born on November 14. After his death in 1964, his birthday has been celebrated as Children’s Day in India. Children’s Day is not just a day to let the future generation have its say. It is a day to remember a leader who, in his quiet but determined way, laid the foundation to convert a nascent nation into a world power.

Children’s Day Facebook Covers For Students

14th of November is celebrated every year as children’s day. 14th November date is of great importance because it is the birth anniversary of Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru. He was the first Indian Prime Minister of independent India. He was very fond of the children and had great affection to them. He liked very much to be among children as well as talk and play with them. Children were used to of calling him as Chacha Nehru to show their love and respect.

On 14th of November, people (including cabinet ministers and high officials) start gathering at statue (where Chacha Nehru was cremated) in order to pay homage to Pt. Nehru and celebrate this great occasion. A big wreath of colorful flowers is placed by the officials at his Samadhi following the prayers and hymns chanting are held. Children perform many activities in their schools to celebrate this occasion and remember Pundit Nehru’s sacrifices, contributions towards country, achievements in international politics and peace efforts. Other cultural programmes including national songs, patriotic songs, speeches and stage short dramas are also organized.

Demand to change date: Children’s Day Facebook Covers

In 2018, sixty MPs of BJP requested the Prime Minister Narendra Modi to designate 26 December as Children’s Day. They suggested that December 26, the day of martyrdom of Chhote Sahibzaade (younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh) be observed as Children’s Day, while November 14th be celebrated as “Chacha Diwas” in memory of Nehru.

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